The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Regaining My Stamina

I think I’ve successfully converted myself into being a vampire, at least for the next two weeks for work. I spent some of last night enjoying different games, and figuring out how the second Amnesia video will go. The good news is that it won’t take nearly as long to work on as the first video, but there will still be some animation for the end. I’m not sure how long it will take me to animate the entire ending (it’s looking to be over a minute long) but I don’t see it taking as long to put together as the last project.

I’m sure it will be equally disturbing though. 😛

Open Thread: Birthday Edition

I had a pretty chill birthday today! We had a private Chinese Buffet, I played Garry’s Mod with one friend, then played Borderlands 2 with another (now on the Mr Torque DLC!). I got a couple games, some new clothing items (some even worthy of a future post!). It was nice, and I have more birthday things to look forward to throughout this and next week!

The Planets Have Aligned Yada Yada Yada

It’s done! The beast that is this video project has been slain! I finished it all up this evening, and now I can take a small rest. I have an extended weekend planned as a bit of a birthday present to myself!I’ll need every bit of R&R I can get before heading back to work next week… they have some anxiety inducing adventures already drawn out for me upon my upcoming return.  Instead of dwelling on the inevitable I plan to enjoy my time away.

My first goal: Getting a large fuckton amount of sleep.

The Final Countdown

I’m starting to see what could be the end of this video! Finally! I know I’ll be able to have it done by tomorrow! I didn’t really realise it, but my sound library has grown quite a bit. I think it’s large enough that I should probably consider organizing it for easy access to reoccurring sounds.

It was great fun doing the audio mixing for this one! I think I have the perfect balance of ambience and creep factor to match the animations.

A Brief Trip Down Memory Lane

Had to return to some of my (slightly) older SFM content as a point of reference. I have the full video together most of the way! I’ve mainly been mixing the audio tonight, making the dialogue audible, adding the right soundtrack, etc. Tomorrow I’ll focus on adding Foley art, and possibly the credits. I should have this done by the end of the week! Then I can begin on part two, which I don’t envision being as ambitious animation-wise. I still have a long animation list, but nothing quite as profound as what I’ve put together for the first video. It’s a shame that no one will be able to see it until October… 🙁 But it gives me plenty of time to finish the set! 🙂

Hell Hath No Fury Like A Bandicoot Scorned

It seems like these last few weeks I’ve always had to end my weekend on a rainy pajama day, though that always works for me. 😛 I spent the last few hours finishing up the last bit of animation on the project! I’m officially done with SFM. Now I just need to finish up in Shotcut, and maaaaaaybe edit a small scene in After Effects, then it will be done!… and then I can start on Episode 2. :v

Easter/Skyrim Open Thread

This weekend I decided to venture through a game I haven’t touched in awhile. I got it up and running on the TV with all of my mods! My reason for visiting ol Skyrim was to revisit the Easter Egg Hunt in The Levelers Tower.

I’ve also started prepping to move over to Skyrim: SE. It’s had plenty of time to mature on the modding front, and there are plenty of tutorials out there for converting mods over to Skyrim:SE, so I might as well get up and running on Skyrim God Rays Edition.

Saturday Night Open Thread

Not much to report… it’s been a nice, quiet Saturday evening — chillaxin amongt the cosmos like a bawla. I’ve been grinding away a bit more in NieR Replicant, trying the new game outfits on all characters, trying a new sword or two, etc. I haven’t decided if I’ll continue playing it over the weekend, or if I’ll play another game, possibly with an Easter theme. Even if it means modding it in. 😛

And Now… The Weather

Winter hasn’t quite loosened its grasp here in town. It’s April, and I’m tired of having to dress in layers for work. I woke up this morning and it was 1C outside, made it difficult to want to get out of bed.  These temperatures seem to get colder and colder every year. I guess it’s not nearly as bad as a fire, but I wouldn’t mind if we could raise the temp back up juuuuuust a bit.

Of course tomorrow will be my Friday, and I have a few plans for staying warm that are both fun and could possibly involve something edible — like something resembling a food substance.

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