The Mind Of OverlordTomala

We Have Our Winner (rv2)

Well, we had our three way duel in space, and the winner is Portal 2! Bayonetta came in 2nd, and Borderlands 2 got 3rd. Tomorrow I’ll begin cutting up Portal 2 footage in Shotcut. I haven’t put out a Portal 2 video in awhile, and it’ll be interesting to revisit some old fun we had. My imagination is already going into overtime trying to figure other things out, like scene staging.

Get On The Ball!

After a week of playing Capcom games at work I wanted to take a break with something different, and an indie puzzle sounded like a nice change of pace from hackin’ and slashin’ or painting my enemies to death  Nope, instead I drug a giant ball around solving puzzles in a tomb.

First up; if you ever decided to get this game I highly recommend using this guide to tweak your resolution and framerate. By default The Ball only goes up to 1080p and has a framerate cap at 62FPS, not very appealing on my monitor. Fortunately the fix is as simple as doing a small tweak to an ini file or two. It also runs peachy via proton.

The Ball is a first person puzzle game where you solve puzzles with the aid of a hammer gun and a giant ball you can carry around wit h said hammer gun. I’m currently three levels in, and the puzzles so far have been pretty easy to solve. It does get more challenging when you approach the undead, and the only weapon you have is your ball which is only as good as your control of it.

Being this is an indie game from 2010 it’s age is showing in the graphics, but for the time period it came from it was considered fabu graphics, even by UE1 standards. :v I remember hearing about it a long time ago, when I stumbled across a video someone did about their Portal chamber update and mentally noted that I had to check it out someday. Tonight was that night, and I wasn’t the least bit disappointed.

The Choppening Continues

I’ve been chopping Bayonetta footage for a good chunk of the evening. I’m almost done with my first pass, and I sense much content in this one too, even worth animating! 😛 If I don’t get distracted too much by play I might finish chopping it up, and I’ll start the same process for Portal 2 come Monday after a little bit of RnR. I haven’t been feeling too well these last couple of days. Laying my head down could do me some good, just as long as my imagination doesn’t try to fuck me over while I’m asleep.

Such Editing, Much Future Content

While waiting to sync up with two important people to go shoot shit in outer space I’ve taken it upon myself to get some video cutting out of the way. I’m contemplating retiring the L4D2 holiday footage to the backburner due to the amount of content I’ve found in it… if I take that on I’ll probably vanish from YouTube for a good year. I’ll stand by the poll, and whatever choice wins during our epic space battle! I finished up doing my first cutup of Borderlands 2, so far that has about 12 minutes of footage, will probably shrink a bit more. I’m thinking of playing with some Bayonetta footage tomorrow, at least until destroy-things-in-spaceO’ Clock rolls around!

Aaaaaaaaaaand the winner is…

I’d like to thank everyone who decided to participate in our poll to determine what my next victim, errr…. video project is going to be! Unfortunately, we seem to be suffering from a three way… tie! Three way tie! Here is what the peepo chose:

  • Bayonetta
  • Borderlands 2
  • Portal 2

All good games on their own merits; but alas… I can only work on one at a time. Does this mean I’ll be making another poll? Nope, we’re taking this one step further. I will be getting together with two other people on an asteroid, each of us will represent each game with the last one standing being declared the winner.

Wish us luck. 😛

Evening Open Thread

I’ll be declaring a winner tomorrow for the poll tomorrow, though I can already tell that it’s going to end in a three way… tie! Oh well, if that’s the case I have a plan involving an asteroid and a bunch of explosions!

Meanwhile I’ve pretty much wrapped up one holiday project and have started on another… with a problem, kinda. The original livestream was almost two hours long, and it took most of today to shave off an hour. There is a lot of crazy stupid content, giving me crazy stupid ideas, and as I continue to refine and cut I’m noticing this will most likely be a series in much the same way my previous Left 4 Dead saga. I might not be able to get it out this year, but at least I’ll have a holiday video in the pipeline for once.. even if it’s just silly gameplay footage.

Be back tomorrow with the results!

Sunday Bakes While Getting Baked

A couple weekends ago I spoiled myself with some homemade Huevos Rancheros, and today I was inspired to make another private Mexi-Brunch! It’s actually based off of this recipe I found. I used black beans instead, and I also topped it with bell peppers. I also fried up some chorizo for some street tacos on the side (or later for lunch). Everything was perfect! I did make some of my own changes though. I used Black Beans instead of Pinto, and I added on a couple different bell peppers. I also made my own ranchero sauce, the one on the website wasn’t smoky enough for my liking. I like a nice smoky tasting Huevos Rancheros. Something about a smoky salsa on a melty egg is sugar tits awesome.

Just looking at the picture is making me want to get a bedtime snack.

Well, That Was Quick.

It looks like I won’t be adding any animations to the holiday project I’m working on. This was one of those cases where the footage does a good job without really adding to it. If anything I think it would cheapen it. Of course, this means I might have to delve into my other holiday livestream footage from Christmas past… a certain Left 4 Dead one that holds much contempt and despair. Something to take the piss out of! That should get some creative juices flowing! I’ll look into it sometime over the weekend, among other forms of mad science.

The Preppening

While waiting on the poll results I’ve already begun work on the holiday video (never too early to start these things). It turns out I already had the game footage mostly cut up! All I had to do is trim out the chaff. Tomorrow I’ll go over extracting what audio I want to animate; currently it doesn’t look like it will be as much as the last project. Quite a bit of the video footage does a good job on its own, even when I’m not stoned.

I’m going to be working on this alongside whatever the poll decrees. I’m hoping we don’t end with a ridiculous tie… I might have to make another poll. 😛

In Other News: Valve Is Still Awesome

I have to hand it to Valve… 99% of their games are awesome, they have a convenient platform to buy games on, more than one platform. Which is why I think its cool that Valve, to this day updates their older games riiiiight when you think Valve will never touch them again. Yes, TF2 had an update recently… BUT PORTAL 2 HAS VULKAN NOW HOLY SHIT.

You don’t normally see many game companies update their older products (or even make them available outside of Windows), which is why Valve will always be my main squeeze.

Now if they could just properly port SFM to Linux…