The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Belated Thanksgiving/Black Plague Friday Open Thread

Sorry for not writing. I had to do a turn and burn yesterday, and the only time I had was to shower, eat and prepare my work tea for Midnight. I’m kinda surprised that we actually had probably the best Black Friday ever. They didn’t enforce the mask rule, but they did keep people in line and limited the amount of people coming in instead of it being the usual free for all. I don’t even know how I’m still awake. I was going to shower and nap when I got home this morning, but ended up doing some cleaning instead.

I didn’t buy anything at work during the sale, but I did do a little online shopping and managed to buy a DSLR camera! I went with a EOS Rebel T7i, and since I’ve been wanting to steam/froth milk more I also in a milk steamer/frother along with some holiday gifts. I still have some more shopping to do, but it will have to wait until I’m more… awake.

Blueberries n Creme In A Cuppa

I wanted to make a London Fog, but by the time I got around to making my cuppa it was late enough that caffeine would do me no solid favors. But there was still that craving for something warm and sweet after a long agonizing day and finding out another co-worker is out due to COVID. I always wondered if it was possible to make a latte with herbal teas, and sure enough I wasn’t disappointed! All you need to do is brew some blueberry tea (I used this one) brewed in a teapot, and steamed/frothed milk mixed with a little bit of vanilla and honey to make it creamy. It was a nice blueberry kiss on an otherwise blue day.

Now I’ll have to challenge myself and attempt to make lattes out of more of my tea collection just to see what I can come up with.

The Blackest Of Fridays Approaches

So, despite there being a pandemic and an escalation in cases, businesses like the one I work for are still going through with Black Friday. All day I had to reassure morons that Black Friday is still a go, and endure complaints from Karens’ and Kens’ alike because we are lacking current gen consoles to sell, or any other bullshit item that is made overseas. I think my favorite conspiracy theory I’ve heard thus far from these eternal virgins is “The damn deepstate is preventing me from buying a PS5!” these people can all go collectively die from COVID in a fire with dildos covered in glue and rolled in glass and salt for all I care. For fucks sake… I want to buy AMD’s new 6800XT and much like NVidia and the console releases it has been rendered nothing more than unobtanium for most on the quest to score one, and I’m not throwing a giant Karenfest for not getting one in my hand. I don’t get what it is about the holidays that brings a person’s inner fuckass out, other than another excuse to just treat people like absolute shit. And after having a Polyester Cockwomble at the helm for the last four years enabling these types of human excrement it’s more than clear to me that’s likely the case. I’m just glad I’m only getting a 50% dose of these douchecanoes with an immediate shower to follow.

I’m dreading this Friday. We’ve had a small handful of people contract COVID at work ever since this all started, and I would be surprised if we followed any social distancing/mask guidelines once everything starts. We already have a No Mask No Entry policy that we pretty much don’t follow despite already being fined more than a few times. I’ve learned from watching others that people are more than likely to bend to your will if you act enough like an asshole. I can’t say I’ve ever been into that kind of mentality, and I don’t understand why so many people cream their jeans to be around what would otherwise be overgrown children or malformed adults. If I had the choice to be alone for the rest of my life or never be alone but only be surrounded by assholes you can sign me up for the former; It’s better to be alone by yourself than be alone in a crowd.

Also… why the fuck are people hording toilet paper again!? We’re not even having a lockdown.

Meanwhile… In My Weekend Land

I wasn’t really feeling it this weekend. Still feeling jetlagged from the last work week, and the cold dark weather doesn’t seem to be helping me want to stay awake. I’ve been taking it easy these last couple days, returning to Skyrim which is basically a comfort food game at this point. I played a little at lunch the other day, piloting my TARDIS around Skyrim, and that was enough for me to cause shenanigans on my desktop version.

I keep meaning to sit down and play Special Edition now that it has plenty of mods to garner my interest, but the plans I have in store for the build would probably take me a couple days to prepare. :v So for the time being I’ll settle with Oldrim from time to time when I feel the need to throw my melons at people.

Or salad I guess.

Playing Yakuza Kiwami Makes Me Hungry/Thirsty

I ended up taking it easy tonight, played a little Yakuza Kiwami and napped a little to try and cure my corporate fueled vampirism. Out of all the games I’ve played I don’t think any of them make me crave food quite like Yakuza does. Going to restaurants to recover your health is really immersive, especially when they put so much detail into the drinks and foods you can buy. Seeing the pictures in game makes me want to try or even make some of thus stuff in the real world. I’m not gonna lie when I say I’m kinda interested in what a “Condensed Milk Latte” would consist of, and do I even want to know what Peter’s Blend is?

Beware Of Dummy Thicc Ice

All posed and ready for animation! I did a little work on the mouth tonight, will probably do more after work tonight. I’m on my final vampire shift… thank fuck. I don’t mind graveyards but the job they’re making me do is way out of my element, stressful, and the people I work around are absolute drama queens.

Welcome To Party Church!

It’s still in the WIP stage, but after some scouting around between different maps and whole models of buildings I think I’ve found a proper candidate to build another stage! I don’t have big plans for it at the moment, other than for it to be a backdrop. But I’m rather certain Yutram and I will return here for other occasions.

Early Morning Open Thread

I’ve been enjoying some Spyro, and a little Source Filmmaker among other things to try and stay awake. They’re flipping me to graveyard for most of the week. My voice has been feeling a little raw today, hopefully it’s just from fatigue. I wanted to record some voice lines tonight, but it just feels like I’m croaking. In fact I think I might croak in bed soon… Maybe play a little Spyro from the comfort of bed.

Gotta love controllers.