I got a late start in yesterday with one of the videos I plan to release further down the pipeline. I’ve also been mentally going over some of the things I might have to do in order to keep YouTube off of my arse. In case you haven’t heard YouTube is changing their rules due to COPPA and YouTube’s inability to keep their shit together. Channel creators now have to declare their channels as for kids or not for kids (but neither of the 4Kids), or do it on a video by video basis. I’ve pretty much marked my channel as a “not kids” channel; but in future videos I might start including warning intros to make it clear that my videos don’t target kids in any way whatsoever. One must be of a mature age before they can view my melon laden content.
Resident Evil 6: Double The Revengeance
Yutram and I tested the new Steam couch co-op feature recently released by Steam. It allows you to play a local co-op game with a friend (assuming the game is supported). The nice thing about this new feature is the ability to play with a friend who doesn’t own the game, and since it’s your computer they’re connected to they’ll see your nightmarish mods:

I’ll have to progress through my library and see what works and what doesn’t, even keep my eyes peeled for some local co-op games in the upcoming sale. I like where this is going!
Here We Are At Weekend
So, this week’s excuse for why I haven’t been posting much lately is because once again work has collected most of my attention. I got to basically write my own schedule last week, and made myself work a full 40. I might be lucky enough to do that next week too, always willing to make more money when I can. With Christmas coming up I’ll need every penny that I can get to send out my usual gifts, fucking tariffs can go die in a pile of flaming dicks.
I tidied up a bit, did a little shopping for Christmas, and played a bit more Bayonetta. I even decided to check out Resident Evil 6 for the first time. While looking for Bayonetta mods I found a Bayonetta mod for RE6, and then a rabbit hole of other mods to choose from.

I’ve already made some changes to my game, should be fun to do couch co-op with. 😛 Possibly stream too if I can defeat the Quick Time Events… my worst enemy in those games.
I continued to progress through my animation during the week. I just need to record some dialogue with Yutram and find a good way to close the scene; then I can begin piecing together another disasterpiece. We’re coming up with so many characters that we’ve been in discussion of whether or not we should build a wiki to keep track of events and “lore”.
Your Food Porn For The Evening
I pitched in for dinner this evening. Took a couple chicken breasts, sliced them thin, and combined them with some prosciutto and gouda. Then I ran out of gouda and prosciutto and substituted swiss and regular ham as an alternative. It kind of reminds me of Chicken Cordon Bleu. I might have to make a sauce to accompany it next time, but the addition of the ham and prosciutto and cheeses gave the chicken a nice flavor palate. I also cooked up some fresh green beans and made some buttery mashed garlic potatoes. I think we finally have enough leftovers that I won’t have to worry about food for the next few days.
Think I’m feeling the itis now, time to coma.
Dragons and Penguins and Sun Emojiis oh my!

As per the usual weekend tradition I’ve been taking some time to play around with different games. I checked out KaBounce and Shadwen yesterday, and ended the night with a bit of Spyro. But today I binged on Spyro in much the same way that I binged on curry. I’ve jumped ahead in the series to Year Of The Dragon, and it’s been a blast. I’ve enjoyed swimming as well as playing other characters. I even got to play as a flying penguin with a rocket launcher, so far that one is my favorite:

I also was not aware of the fact that Spyro: Year Of The Dragon was the game that gave birth to emojiis
I also can’t get over how surprisingly chipper the local creatures are, even when trying to be sad:
I’m glad to finally be playing this, feels like I’m making up for lost time whenever I play it, given that I was only limited to a Pizza Hut demo disc as a kid. But for now it’s time for me to shelve this one until the next play date. I’ve got other ideas for next weekend, projects, shopping, games or otherwise. Tomorrow I’m going to start preparing for the second Skyrim video. I need to record some voice lines and extract the audio clips that I’ll be animating. It’s looking like another one that I’ll be investing some time in, we have another special ending planned. I probably won’t be able to share many pictures until sometime next month.
From The Creator of Breakfast Curry: Lunch Curry
I had a bunch of extra vegetables around, and was still in a curry kind of mood today. When lunch came around I sacrificed one of my chicken breasts for a green chicken curry with rice noodles. I made it mild, stomach hasn’t been nice to me today. Fortunately I also made the breakfast curry mild too. 😛 I’ve also been living on chai today. Started the morning off with a Canadian Maple Chai, and ended the day with some Rooibos Chai. I already have breakfast curry packed up for tomorrow morning along with some grapes, crackers and peanut butter dip. That should keep me plenty fueled tomorrow morning, even the tea has caffeine. I’m Ret 2 Go.
I’m thinking of taking the other chicken breasts and using them in a baked chicken recipe, involving some gouda cheese and prosciutto.
From Spicy To Sweet
Been awhile since I’ve made a breakfast curry, and we were low on vegetables, so it gave me a good excuse to buy some and make a nice breakfast curry. It has bell pepper, potato, carrot, fresh green beans, onion and grated ginger. All cooked in a homemade red curry sauce poured over Jasmine Rice. I have enough to last me for the week methinks, and tomorrow if I’m up for it I want to try and make a Chinese breakfast pancake. I found a recipe recently and I want to try and make my own.
I also felt the need for a sweet snack of apples and peanut butter dip. I made it with some peanut butter, greek yogurt, vanilla, honey, cinnamon, nutmeg, fresh ginger, cayenne pepper and some coconut milk to make it a little easier to stir. Tastes nice on apples and even vegetables, like carrots or green beans for example. I made a big bowl, should also last me awhile, a good protein packed dip to accompany some chopped fruits and veggies that tastes like a dessert. I can’t argue with that.
Skyrim Belongs To The Fabulous!
I made it through another grueling week of work and work related depression. The first thing I did yesterday to start my weekend was clean my bedding, which would be my kryptonite come the evening. I slept for about 12 hours, and the worst part was that I got up at 8am and fell back asleep until 10am… I haven’t been getting much rest this past week and I can feel it. I’ve had a lot of freight to lift, especially yesterday… Then of course I did another Skyrim stream:
Unfortunately my restream chat decided to go tits up for me last night, so I could only see Twitch chat but not the YouTube one. I even had the YouTube chat on my tablet to try and read it, but it reloaded itself into a white screen. So to anyone on YouTube I’m sorry that I didn’t see any of your comments until after the stream. I woke up this morning and checked restream and it loads both of my chats now… I swear it did it just to spite me.

A few streams ago I turned a couple slaughter fish and some spiders into chickens, and last night when wandering a couple tombs that I hadn’t been through on this particular playthrough I had chickens randomly attacking me, and again while swimming. I think it might be reusing certain world ID’s for certain NPC’s, meaning there is always a chance that I might be attacked by chicken… and possibly another Mega Ultra Chicken in the future.
Another Film In The Can
I finally finished another video! I had a couple private viewings and the consensus is that it’s good enough for release, it can be expected to release next month. Now to set plans in motion for the second installment, that one might be a faster piece to work on… it depends. I haven’t figured out how much of it I want to animate, if at all. It’s one of those videos that’s weird enough to possibly stand on its own, though at the very least I may discuss an ending. I might even release it before the one I just finished if I can put it together in time.
I can sleep on the rest.
Random Yogurt Parfait Appears
Today was a busy one, both at work and at home. Finally mailed off a couple packages and managed to even make myself a special work breakfast for tomorrow. Vanilla Greek yogurt mixed with matcha and honey, frozen blueberries and a crunchy topping made of organic cinnamon toast square cereal and walnuts that I crushed in a mortal and pestle. I wanted to do something different from the usual meal bars I’ve been eating during the week. I’ve also somehow managed to lose more weight despite my lack of trying. I figured with vacation and me being a human vacuum of food I would have put something on, but I’m continuing downwards. I haven’t lost a whole bunch (155 to 152), but I’m definitely at a spot I haven’t been in years, I’m at a point now where I might have to go through my wardrobe and discard some trousers, as well as buy some new ones.
As if I needed a shopping excuse… :zorak: