The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Evening Open Thread

I actually did SFM stuff tonight! Nothing that I can share yet… but I went over some of the blueprints with Yutram and he approved. I’m building a set for a future scene, and I can’t really spoil the details of this one. I’m tweaking the lighting for it now, and when I’m satisfied enough I’ll head off to dreamland, where my imagination goes on autopilot. I didn’t sleep too well last night, it was too muggy even with the window wide open. I’m hoping some fresh sheets will cure that.. among other things. :melon: I had some spumoni ice cream with ground toffee peanuts and some banana.

I had extra ground nuts left over from tomorrow’s yogurt parfait. This time I’m doing one half vanilla, and one half strawberry, both mixed separately with Japanese matcha powder. I was actually quite surprised to get a nice green color out of the strawberry yogurt. For the fruit portion I just did a whole sliced banana, and did more granola and pulverized toffee peanuts. I should of done this idea years ago, these do a good job of keeping me full until I get home. Much more filling and versatile than just buying one yogurt a day.

Some Dank Souls

I kept trying to draw on the tree to paint it until I realized I was in the wrong game

Played a bit of Sekiro for awhile, until I got annoyed with the giant snake (didn’t take too long), so I opted to frustrate myself in Remastered Dark Souls, and I managed to progress past the first boss quite easily surprisingly… I just needed to leap on it then keep chopping away at its ass until I stole his keys and went outside to play with a giant crow.

Bird’s The Word

I’ve arrived Firelink Shrine, and I keep getting my ass handed to me by two asshat skeletons. I’ll come back to them another time, at least I made it past the new boss and into some new territory. I would have worked on some video stuff but didn’t feel too hot after work today (or even during for that matter). I had to really push myself to make my yogurt cup for tomorrow. Unfortunately I couldn’t take a picture, but it’s a nice matcha blueberry parfait with almonds, white chocolate and some berry granola. I’m really looking forward to having it tomorrow, mixing the matcha powder with the yogurt gives it a nice earthy flavor. My strawberry and peanut yogurt parfait was still nice though, kinda reminded me of a PB&J sandwich without the bread thanks to the honey roasted peanuts. They softened in the yogurt and had a nice peanut buttery texture when mixed up with the yogurt.

Now for more of that healing sideways meditation.

Some Zen


I picked up a bit on Okami over the weekend, been awhile since I’ve touched it, and it seemed like something nice to play when feeling under the weather. I find the soundtrack relaxing and the art style to be timeless in design. Playing this even inspired me to look up some yogurt parfait cup ideas for matcha yogurt cups. I have a small shopping list ready for tomorrow, and I’m thinking I’ll do an entire week of yogurt parfaits of different varieties. I used up the last of my yogurt stuffs for tomorrow’s breakfast lunch. I’ll be sure to take pics once I get one assembled. I even brewed one of the new teas I got in the mail, the Maple Chai one is actually making me want to wake up for work tomorrow. I would have made more for today, but I already have plenty of flowering tea to enjoy. Perhaps after work tomorrow I’ll make a warmed cup. It’ll give me that extra Canadian Energy to make yogurt parfaits. :v:

Left 4 Dead 2 Livestream

We played a custom L4D2 campaign based in the world of Silent Hill. I crashed a few times, but overall it was fun. I pretty much chilled all day, it was foggy outside for the entire day, I’ve been enjoying my new tea pot! Had some flowering tea today, and played a bit of Okami, some Quake Champions, and then a custom L4D2 campaign. Lived off of my leftovers for the entire day, life’s good… or at least I keep telling myself that. I know I’ll be in for some anxiety level shit at work for at least the next three weeks. These two days off are going to be mental escapes fo sho.

Quake Champions Livestream

Kicked off the weekend by Livestreaming some Quake Champions:

Despite getting our asses handed to us on a silver platter we managed to have a good time. I might even do another one tomorrow. I got some more work done on the videos, and I’m deciding to keep them as two part videos. To keep a consistent release schedule (somewhat) I’m not going to release any video until I complete both parts. But if anything good comes up (such as pictures) I’ll post it here on the blog, or on the Steam Chat or Discord.  But now that I’m on my weekend I’ll be taking a break from my project and focusing on other things… like maybe a game to play. I haven’t really done much playing apart from the last couple of multiplayer mishaps with Yutram. I haven’t had much of a chance to use my gaming laptop at work, been grocery shopping during my lunch breaks so I won’t have to do it after work when the entire place is flooded.

Now, it is time for me to meditate sideways.

Evening Open Thread

Not much to report tonight, but I can offer an adorable cat picture. I’m waaaaay behind on my cat posting quota. Finished some more animation work tonight, will begin pasting it together tomorrow. I need to mull it over a bit but the video may end up being a larger video instead of a two parter… Before I render the first video I’ll need to re-evaluate the second part. At this point I’m merely spitballing. I was also toying with another idea, but that will require going over some more recent footage to see if I can pull said idea off.

I had a pretty frustrating day, nothing out of the ordinary other than the typical everyday work bullshit cranked to eleven. I should probably play a game to alleviate mental pressure from the concentrated aura of stupid permeating the air these days, but I’m too tired to do even that. Maybe tomorrow night I can get a little play session together, preferably with guns, bonus if a sword is involved.

This is now a food blog apparently

I opted to leave out the pita shell and make a salad instead for my after work lunch, turned out quite nice. I made a spicy Thai tuna salad mixture with some fish sauce, lemon and lime juice, cilantro, shallot, ginger, serrano pepper, honey roasted peanuts and some curry paste. I layered some sushi rice above some salad greens and spooned the tuna mix on top to make something like a Thai tuna sushi, but with tomato and cucumber. The nice thing about this mixture is that you can serve it in a multitude of ways/ It makes a good tuna melt, crisp sandwich or wrap… and as mentioned in the previous post pita bread. :v I also bought some pralines for snacking, they are a new addiction I’m trying not to let happen too often.

I rendered some SFM stuff earlier, still have a bit more to go. Sometimes I have to split up one file into two due to a particular bug. For some reason every once in awhile when I try to keyframe something the program will be stuck on a different scene entirely. I had to render up to a point that I hadn’t animated yet, split it off at that point and did an export. I remember this happening under Windows too awhile back, it seems to occur randomly.

Food Balance

I dug out my old bento box and decided to put a chirashi sushi kit together for tomorrow. It’s in my lunch box along with some miso soup, soy sauce and some satsumas. I enjoyed my yogurt cup this morning, it satisfied. I’ll have to start coming up with other ideas for yogurt cups… I already have a few of the tropical variety I want to try. I’m contemplating either a tuna curry for after work, or a Thai Tuna Salad in some pita bread shell.

I don’t have much else to share. I worked a tiny bit more on the next video, it wasn’t much but I think I might have more time tomorrow.

More foodage and games

As planned I made a good hearty breakfast of oven fried Potatoes O’Overlord (Basically Potatoes O’Brien with some of my own spices) and some scrambled eggs and prosciutto with some tomatoes, onions and shrooms. I topped it off with a homemade white sauce, served some sourdough English muffins on the side and it was breakfast… and dinner later on. I did make a sweet and sour chicken stir fry earlier, but my stomach is feeling a little on the egg and potato side of things this eve.

I purchase a few portable yogurt parfait cups from work a couple weeks ago, and finally put together enough ingredients to create one. This is Greek strawberry and honey yogurt layered with homemade plum and nectarine sauce and some roasted mixed nuts ground with a mortar and pestle. I decided to spoil myself a little bit with some white chocolate morsels on the top of the parfait. Plus there is a little satsuma mandarin in the little dome for a juicy snack. If my stomach is up for it I’ll probably eat the leftover curry for lunch when I get home tomorrow. That was really good, but this morning it kinda killed my stomach. Fortunately I had my special candy to calm my stomach.

Played some ol Quake 3 with Yutram earlier on a whim. I even took the time to install the HD packs and did a few cfg tweaks for my own liking. We have a nice selection of custom maps that I forgot about, it was fun to play them again. Still feels more fun to play than Quake Champions, maybe it’s the old charm, maybe it’s the ability to mod it how I please… I don’t know.

One of the things I’ll have to test next time we play: Increasing the amount of frags. We seem to go through the maps too quickly, and upping the bot strength… currently they’re set to Hurt Me Plenty, but I seem to be mowing through them like a nicely sharpened blade through a watermelon. Refine things a few more and I might actually stream this at some point. Might be cool to show off some old and new mods. You can tell a games worth by how much people play it,and also by how many mods are made for it. To this day people still mod the old Doom and Quake games, and that’s something cool to see with a 20 year old game.