The Mind Of OverlordTomala

A Thread to chill

I’ve made it through my long ass work week, my god what a mental roller coaster I’ve been forced to ride. I’m not going to go into too big of detail, but I haven’t been feeling quite right since taking it. On a more positive note it was nice to wake up and relax tonight with some Broforce, and plans to continue making YouTube stuffs. I tried my birthday tea (sweet watermelon) and I think this is going to become a mandatory elixir. Everything from the flavor to the color is exceptional.

I’ll probably be staying up late to keep my body on the current sleep schedule, shouldn’t be too difficult to stay awake. I have quite a bit that I could do.

Mouthwords Cometh

Sorry for not writing for these last few days. I’ve been fighting allergies, muscle pain and trying to understand this new job I’m being forced to do. So far I’m not really liking it, and I’m not sure if it’s because of my lack of knowledge or the person that I’ve been working with. She’s been guiding me through what I need to take care of, but I have quite a few n00bish questions and I often feel like I’m annoying her; I seem to hear it more and more in her voice as things continue on, and then sometimes she just switches back to being a happy person. I’m thinking it might just be me, though others have been taking notice that she is rather bitchy, and I’m just a fool. I thought working at night with paperwork wouldn’t be a bad gig, but in some ways I’m not sure if this or my daily bustle with the public is more nerve wracking; All I can do is try my best and learn from the inevitable mistakes I’ve been making. I go from moments where I actually figured something out, to not knowing my own ass from a hole in the ground. :assy: :zorak:

I’ve still been crashing not long after getting home, and waking up in the afternoon. So far this is my only favorite aspect of the whole ordeal, waking up and enjoying a breakfast, a shower, whatever I have time for. I haven’t had time to really play any games lately, other than a little bit of AMID EVIL the other day. That one I’ll have to make more time for. It’s like a blend of the original Quake and Heretic (you’re even labeled as a heretic in the game). It runs on Unreal Engine 4, and it’s well optimized to run on even the most fabulous toaster. It runs quite decently under Proton, haven’t played it under Windows yet…. which is funny because I’ve mainly been living under Windows again due to Source Filmmaker on that really ambitious project I’ve been working on.

For almost a month now I’ve been working on this particular video, and I still have a ways to go on it due to the amount of animation I’ve been pouring into it among help from friends in other fields, such as script writing and additional voice work and modelling… Yutram is very talented, we even came up with an idea for one of the worst television shows in history that may someday see actual video form… if I can call it animation. :trollface:

I’m thinking when I pick back up on this again (possibly tomorrow) I’ll still be working on this particular scene. The video is short enough that I want to try and making my own Kojima inspired cutscene, but make it even more ridiculous. I can only describe this as if Kojima worked together with a flamboyant Daedric Prince on drugs provided by Suda51 and the Bleu Cheese olives in my refrigerator.

That is a delightful note to take a nap on. :rick:

Evening Open Thread

Nothing to report. Had a good rest, a good breakfast and a nice shower. Processed some audio recordings from last night’s recording session with Yutram. Will probably begin animating again tomorrow. My current sleep schedule seems to be holding together, now if I could just figure out what the hell I’m doing at work that would be peachy.

Night 1 of 9 complete

Made it through my first night ok. I still don’t entirely know what I’m doing, but apparently we did ok. I only threw up once, still not entirely sure why. I did make up for it when I woke by having a nice omelet. It isn’t everyday that I make myself a super nice breakfast on a workday. I’ve been sleeping not long after getting home, and waking in the afternoon to enjoy some daylight and other things I wouldn’t enjoy during a workday. I really need to come up with a better lunch plan than PB&J for lunch. We haven’t had time to really cook anything since we got back from our little trip. Perhaps after work I’ll buy some items to make something a little more impressive than a sandwich.

Late Night Open Thread

Here’s hoping that I don’t become completely insane by the end of my nine day work week. I’m planning to crash out not long after getting back home in the morning. I’ve been doing random things all afternoon since I’ve woken. Prepared an actual lunchbox, worked on a couple scripts for tomorrow and began work on another scene. We’re doing a slight rewrite, but managing to keep the main story in tact. I don’t think I’ll have it out on time, but I will be working on it whenever I can.

Vans and Spaghetti

We had quite the adventure up to Portland yesterday. One of our objectives was to score a new vehicle on our trip while visiting family, and we were disheartened to find that the first person we were going to meet with had to cancel, and even called our home number not long after we left on our trip. We had a second contact planned but they already sold their vehicle. It was a huge letdown, we would retire at a cousin’s house and do a quick search on craigslist before heading off to dinner, and it’s a good thing that we did because someone was wanting to sell their Toyota Sienna at a really discounted price, and we got there just in time. Someone else wanted to buy the van, but fortunately we had cash on us. 😀 We now have a golden Toyota Sienna, and it was a really nice ride back home today… despite a bee sneaking into the car and me having to shoo the fucker out my window armed only with a camera bag. I bet it looks about as stupid as it does in my head. We had dinner at The Spaghetti Factory and some cocktails, it was all good fun. Finished up in the morning at ihop then had a nice relaxing trip home.

I’m looking forward to a good summer vacation this year. :melon: And to driving it more of course. 😛

Veri Melon Birthday

Despite rolling into spring the weather has felt like winter, in the early mornings at the very least. I’ve been going through watermelon withdrawals, getting closer to the end of my watermelon tea collection, and it’s difficult to find something nice during these seasons to make the watermelon part of my palate happy. As if reading my mind (well, she kinda did by reading this blog :melon: ) she gave me birthday gifts that would fill that very void.

Even the birthday card is watermelon based. I’ve never had a theme for a birthday before, and this was a wakeup call to something amazing! Any darkness that I was feeling was melted away as I continued opening my gifts in the company of Yutram who too knows my watermelon related needs.

The first gift I opened was a dress, though on me it’ll probably be a really nice top when we start getting some summer weather. :melon:

This falls under a similar category, though I think I might might be a nice small cover for the swimsuit:

I’ll be headed out of state sometime this summer hopefully, and was in need of something chlorine friendly and melontastic, and this looks like it might fight the bill if I can shed some poundage before then, at the very least I can get some boy shorts and call it good. :trollface:

I’ve been wanting to get a new mousepad for quite awhile, and I never thought of going this route. This is a really good idea, my Logitech G502 sits proudly upon it now, and will assist me in my future mouse related endeavors. :melon:

Earrings! They even match my ring! I’ll have to be careful or I may not ever take them off.

Now I can sort my USB cables in style! Perfect timing since I’m using these for my small roadtrip.

Well, looks like I have some decorating to do. These are string lights, of the watermelon variety. Perhaps around my gaming area or by the window. I’m already planning some renovations, this is a cool thing to add to the list. :melon:

I have a hat that matches this bag perfectly… no really I do.

I can’t wait for the summer to roll around, a lot of this stuff will fit well together for the river/beach. That’s assuming my extreme paleness doesn’t blind the entire town.

I’m not the kind to put my head between a pair of melons… but for the sake of music I’ll make a happy exception!

As cold as it’s been at night I might have to give this little bottle a go. This is adorable.

I’ll also be using this on my trip. A nice bag to store some additional makeup’s in, mostly eyeliners and eyeshadows methinks.

This lit up my eyes. I’m running low on my selection of watermelon teas from both Republic of Tea and David’s Tea, and was soon going to have to search for another watermelon elixir purchase, then this appeared in my hand. The inside looks and smells really good, I might even save it for a post on its own. I can’t wait to try it! That and use it in my new thermos:

Damn right! :melon: I think I’ll be using this one more with my new three week job as a vampire. I need a bottle that won’t drip, and my large behemoth of a tea thermos doesn’t fit the profile I need sadly, fortunately with this and the one I won for coming in third place in the Halloween contest I’ll be in good hands suckling on watermelon nectar during the witching hour.

Watermelon tape… why not? This is almost too beautiful to use. Yutram suggested it would be great for book binding, hmmmmm perhaps a book involving watermelons perhaps?

Of course, we have to end with SCENTED FUCKING CANDLES!!!! This one is excellent! A soy candle with the essence of watermelon, and really cool colors!

Already did a test burn as per the ritual, and it was successful. It actually smells better than the current watermelon candle I use, and that one already smelled good to begin with. Folks, you can never have too many watermelon candles, or melons. If this keeps going I’ll be the David Pumpkins of watermelons. :melon:


I owe a great thanks to my best friend, of whom I’ve had the honor to know for about a decade and a half. It’s hard for me to believe that I’ve known so many of you for so long and that we all still find time to talk to each other, maybe not as much as I’d like but hearing from you guys always puts sunshine and melons on my day. :melon: I owe great thanks, and will have to properly plan my gift vengeance to return the favor. :melon:

Happy Easter Open Thread

Happy Easter! We celebrated-ish yesterday by having the food. We’re leaving bright and early tomorrow for a 6 hour drive. I have something set to autopost. 😀 When I get back and get situated to my temporary new vampire shift I’ll go back to doing my usual things of making game porn and writing emails that require more energy that I have at the end of most days, even finding the time to post lately has been a little difficult.

When I get back I’ll write some emails, finish up a particular video with an ending we decided on earlier, and cut away at some more video footage for other projects… oh, and also the occasional livestream. :trollface:

I guess for now I’ll go hunt eggs in my sleep.

I’m not dead… I just feel the part.

We’ve been getting some nice weather… unfortunately due to the amount of cold and rainy weather the pollen in the air is really taxing. I think I’m getting a sinus infection, between the pollen and the chemicals they use to keep the Easter Lilly’s at work preserved. They’d better be all gone by the time I come back from my weekend getaway, those things have always made me hella sick. My first year of being exposed to them earned me a double ear infection and the additional bonus of a asthma/bronchitis  hybrid I had to endure. Thankfully I’m not around them nearly as much as in early years, but walking by them everyday is enough to set my nose off and trigger near instant illness. :zorak: On top of this I found out that I’m working nine days straight… I wish we had laws in place that made it so that if you worked for more than 5 days in a row you have to be paid in overtime. It used to be that way when we had a regular Monday through Friday day work week that quite a few other countries still have, and now that more and more businesses are open 7 days a week I think it should be updated to prevent this sort of thing from happening.

I have a feeling if such a law were passed businesses would be more likely to hire more people instead of losing more in overtime… then again where I work they seem to have no problems throwing overtime at people who can stay for more than a full shift due to a couple calling in sick, and of course being deliberately understaffed in general. Though it’s hard to tell if it’s cheaper or if it’s because our hiring system is currently designed to be broken.

Some Italian Comfort Food

I did a good job of staying glomped to one of my Italian cookbooks. I made a couple of salads, one is a tomato mozzarella salad with balsamic vinegar and fresh basil,the other is a salad with greens, oranges (I chose mandarins, they’re my favorite orange of choice due to their distinct flavor), black olives and added some bleu cheese with a orange raspberry vinaigrette of my own creation. The noodles are in an Alfredo sauce with smoked Italian ham, peppers and onions with some pesto mixed into the cream sauce…. and corn. I think the only recipe I didn’t stray too far from was the tomato mozzarella salad. The other two were modifications of a couple recipes to suit my leftovers. I also experimented with a new omelet recipe today! Unfortunately the omelet didn’t last long enough to take pictures. But I cut up a hatch chile and some onion and sauteed them with some Italian ham and olive oil, then folded them inside the omelet with some melty bleu cheese and it was great!

I think we’ll have plenty of leftovers over the next couple of days. :rick: