The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Okami 2?!

If this actually happens I might even pre-order..

Game developer Ikumi Nakamura, who rose to fame in the industry after her energetic unveiling of Ghostwire: Tokyo at E3 2019, tweeted a video of herself and Okami creator Hideki Kamiya at the Platinum Games offices. In the video, Kamiya says plainly, “Okami is going to be back,” and gives a thumbs up. Nakamura acts surprised and says, “Really?” Kamiya responds, “Really,” and then Nakamura says “wow” and walks off screen. This, of course, has led many to believe that the video is a genuine Okami 2 announcement.

It took me a looooong time to finish the remastered original, but I loved every moment of it. I would love to see a sequel! Heck, maybe even port Okamiden over to other platforms? Assuming there isn’t any direct ties to Nintendo…

Kickin’ Those Tires

It seems not many gamers look for the Relics in the Crash Bandicoot games, at least on PC. I got the “Kick the Tires!” achievement/trophy for earning 5 relics from time trial mode.Apparently, only 5% of players took the time to play in time trial mode. Kinda weird to think that something as easy as playing time trial to get an achievement for a handful of relics isn’t even taken into consideration. Gathering ALL of the relics? I could see that one getting skipped… but just five?

I called it quits after gathering 6. They’re all sapphire rank, not sure if I’ll have enough patience to get the gold or platinum ones.

Essence Of The Shadows

Ending my zen weekend with a zen game. Finished a mission in Aragami 2 without any detection or murders whatsoever, plus grabbing additional in world booty (not what you’re seeing in the photo). Only had time for one mission tonight, but I made it count! I’m one achievement richer.We’re still having nice warm summer days, so when the evening hit it felt nice to feel the cool wind drift through the window as I drank some cherry blossom green tea. Needless to say it helped with the atmosphere a bit.

Meanwhile, on Steam Deck last night I started Aragami in NG+ to set myself up to gather more achievements. On my first playthrough I did a mix of stealth with a bit of killing here and there. This time around I’m going to go for the murder medal. Surprisingly killing all the enemies is harder than you might think, especially when you’re trying not to get detected. There’s also an achievement for killing 100 enemies, all in due time.

Summer Self Care Sunday

There’s something nice about waking up to a purring orange furball and fondling my Steam Deck before getting up to start my morning with an amazeballs brunch. Decided to go for a tamago sandwich with fresh veggies and some miso soup with a satsuma on the side to end the meal with something sweet. Also cooked some rice for sushi bowls. I don’t have any fish, but tamago (Japanese Omelettes) mixed with some veggies make for a nice and colorful rice bowl… when I can be bothered to take pictures, of course. I was far too hungry to take pictures today. 😛

Meanwhile, I’ve made podcasts part of my working around the house ritual. It’s been awhile since I’ve gotten back into listening in on Welcome To Night Vale, but so far I’ve made it to Episode 53. I can’t even begin to explain everything that has transpired, I’m impressed with the overall plot consistency, will probably listen to an episode or two tomorrow. Until then…

Goodnight, Internet. Goodnight.

Off To A Good Start

With the help of two friends, they helped me get things started in Blender tonight! The model I’m working on has bones that are slightly off, so we’ve been focusing on correcting them starting with one of the hands. I probably won’t have any images to share for awhile, at least until I have a successfully ported model to show off, but things are at least moving in the right direction. It was fun to learn something new, and why knows? If I become good at it I might make even more nightmarish creations… but first I’ll need to focus on un-nightmaring the current project.

Not sure how long it’ll take me to get to the finish line, maybe a week or two? I don’t want to jinx it. If I keep a slow pace I should be ok though. Will try to find other things to blog about, preferably with images or videos, preferably after a good night’s sleep after being up for almost 24 hours.

Putting My Head Into The Blender

Talked with a couple friends tonight about 3D Modeling in Blender; I’m thinking of tinkering with it over the weekend. Thanks to Yutram I already have a model that’s a good chunk of the way together. I’m probably going to be bombarding my friends with a bunch of questions relating to it, and looking up bunches of tut’s to get half of an idea of what I’m doing. Unfortunately it’s getting late, and I have an early day tomorrow. The brain fog has come to claim me for another night of hopefully decent sleep.

Early Evening Open Thread

Ever since I’ve started my new video hiatus my head has been spinning with all the other things I want to do, or try. It’s the curse of wanting to do ALL OF THE THINGS but only having so much free time in a day to pick a couple. I spent some time with a friend in Resonite this evening, and also looking at stuff relating to Blender (the two may or may not be related). I enjoyed good tea and company, and found the last flower and vantage point in HZD before calling it quits. That brain fog is rolling in now, which can mean only one thing…

Open Thread!

Another Adventure At My Fingertips

According to Steam; Tomb Raider Underworld is not supported on Steam Deck, even though that’s where I took this screenshot! It felt weird playing it in my hands, especially since I remember having to upgrade my hardware just to get it to run back in the day… and I STILL never finished it.  I’m hoping to make good on that, given that I’ve already finished a couple other games. Sadly, Tomb Raider Underworld doesn’t offer cloud saving, so if I decide to play this on desktop I’ll have to either have a separate save, or manually transfer the save in between PC’s.

I’m not very far in, only finished the underwater portion thus far. Next time I play I’ll have to infiltrate a boat full of assholes. I know I’ve played this portion before, but it’s been so long that what’s old feels new again!

Kid Just Rages For a While

Spent the evening conquering more trials in Bastion, and advanced the plot a tad bit. I’ve unlocked another proving ground that I’ll have to force myself to finish before hunting for the final shard. It took me awhile to win First Place on all of the other trials, but you’d be amazed at what you can achieve with the right power-ups and tonics.

I can tell this is made by the same team responsible for Hades. It has a specific level of hard that you can eventually overcome with enough practice and the right load-outs.  Usually I play it with a controller, but every once in awhile I felt the need to switch to a keyboard and mouse for some of those moments that called for proper precision. Though the winner is usually the controller, with the downside being that my hands cramp up after a good fight. Probably why it’s taken me awhile to advance things along, and why tomorrow I’ll probably play something else. 😛

Trying New Things: Resonite

Friend of mine suggested to check out Resonite… so I did!

It’s basically a different type of VRChat game. Only shinier and more customizable. My friend Bong showed me around the worlds, and showcased all kinds of tools you can use in the game! I was thinking on one of these days, when I can find the time, I’ll look into making an avatar or two. You can export models from a multitude of different programs, and it could be fun to make a monstrosity!