The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Back On The Horizon

Today I craved cinematic adventure, so I enjoyed some HZD on the comfort of a couch and controller. Took care of a couple corrupted areas, watched corrupted machines rip apart some bandits and even did an override on a cauldron’s core! I’ve mainly been playing on Keyboard and Mouse, so it did take some dialing in with the Steam Controller, but once I worked the config to my liking it wasn’t much different than playing desktop style. I’ve become quite proficient at taking down the watchers, and even learned how to override a few new machines in the process.

It’s still going to be a long way before I finish this one, so I don’t feel too bad about binge playing it today. I wish there were more people I could talk about this game with at work… either they haven’t gotten around to playing it, or they just found it all to be boring. To each their own… For me it’s like a mix of Modern Tomb Raider and MGSV, it’s a good mix.

Friday Late Night Open Thread

It’s been another relaxing evening of vacation! The weather couldn’t decide if it wanted to be chilly or sunny today, so it settled on both. I did a tiny bit of spring cleaning, and played a variety of games – ending it with some fun late night chat with a friend… something that doesn’t happen all that often. Discussing crazy story ideas and other long winded discussions of fun nonsense. How I’ve missed nights like these.

Open Thread!

Ascension and Awakening

I was greeted to the sound of rain pitter pattering down when waking up today, and finding that the rain also helped me sleep in even further… Maybe it was the weather, maybe it was the green tea I drank while listening to the raindrops and contemplating how to spend this rainy day, but I ended up not only settling on Aragami, but I finally beat it!

It felt satisfying to finally finish it after all this time, and now I can look forward to a bit of replay value! There are still multiple achievements for me to claim, but those can wait another day. I’m on vacation, and I crave more adventure! I’ll save the achievement hunting for another night where I only have time to mess around with it.

Since I enjoyed the first one so much – I figured I would spoil myself a bit and pick up the sequel/final installment in the series. It tells the tale of a completely different Aragami, who frees himself and discovers an entire community of fellow Aragami. I’ve only made it through the tutorial, but it does change quite a bit from the previous game. The game mechanics are a little more athletic, you can sword fight with enemies, whereas the original relied entirely on stealth. Either way, it’ll be interesting to see how this one compares with the original.

Obtaining Clarity & Achievements

Had a relaxing session of Ori and the Blind forest on the couch this afternoon, made it to 63% completion! I cleared the fog from the misty woods and earned several achievements. There was some backtracking and map following for finding energy, ability and health cells. All the while sipping on cherry blossom green tea and snacking on a bit of Orange Mochi.

Of course, while lounging on the couch, my desktop was hard at work exporting the SFM project I worked on yesterday. I’ve been mentally going over how to animate the next scene, it’s a bit different from what I usually work on, but I have some ideas… either way it’ll be crazy.

The Campfire Must Go On

Today was mostly a day of animation. It’s been awhile since I last worked on animation for a Skyrim video, and today I made up for it in spades. I’m pretty close to exporting this scene, then I’ll start working on more greenscreen madness… assuming I don’t get drawn into another project, like The Game Of Life? That one did a good job of taking over my animation time. With the amount of animation I put in tonight I’ll probably take a break from it and do something different tomorrow in the form of self care. Maybe some couch time with a good game and tea if the weather is supposed to be as suck as the forecast predicts.

Surviving The Birthday Skeleton Once More

Vacation is still going GREAT! I woke up today, made a tasty egg and bacon sandwich, opened some presents and even went out with a friend for lunch! We went to a local Thai restaurant, and I introduced him to the amazing awesomeness that is Thai Iced Tea. If you love tea I highly recommend trying it, he isn’t the biggest tea fan and even he found it to be the shiz.

We were also blessed with more nice weather! I’m actually surprised that I didn’t get a sunburn while palling around today. I’d be ok if it stayed like this for the rest of the week. Getting sunlight in small doses is good, it feels like I’m radiating happiness.


Mastering The Weave

My digital wizardry skills finally paid off! I have the servers humming along nicely on Arch Linux, and even had time for a bit of Baldurin’ tonight! We fought a winged asshat, and went picking through dead bodies in the darkness after getting a blessing from a cleric. I might have another session with Yutram tomorrow, for the fun of it. I want to do fun, chill things tomorrow. I think after having my head in VM’s the last couple of days I deserve some good fucking off.

Everything’s Archy

Distro hopping has been successful! I’ll probably have the server up tomorrow, just need to go over networking and firewall permissions. The servers passed testing locally, no missing dependencies. If this is successful I’ll move my GMod VM’s over to Arch Linux as well, but I’ll probably stick to Alma Linux for Quake 3 and webservers. The Valve stuff needs newer dependencies and libraries, which are harder to obtain under RHEL distros.

I’ll get started up on it again tomorrow after getting some rest, if I do it now I’ll probably fuck something up. I can only look at a terminal for so long before going cross-eye’d.

The Pondering Continues

The TF2 Servers will be down for awhile longer. I’m running into complications with AlmaLinux 9.2 and 8.9. 9.2 lacks a dependency that I need (the 32 bit version of ncurses-compat), and 8.9 is running an older version of glibc than what TF2 requires. I’m seriously contemplating switching from a RHEL based distro to an Arch one as a result. What I don’t get, is why a server that has been upgraded to be 64bit still requires 32bit dependencies for it to even remotely fucking function.

On the bright side: Tomorrow is my Friday, and following that is a week off from work. I’m sure I’ll be able to science something together, even if it means doing a little distro hopping.

Suddenly Updates

I was once again greeted with a warm sun upon my awakening, and another uneventful work day to pass. I thought I had my after work routine planned out; crash on the couch and play something fun, or maybe even get a little sun with my Steam Deck and maybe break in the new headphones that arrived in the mail. Instead I was greeted with a TF2 server update, and to be honest, I was expecting hiccups.

They upgraded the Linux server and client to run in 64 bit, which itself isn’t a problem. Unfortunately I’m running on an older version of glibc, and upon looking at updates I decided it would be better to just upgrade AlmaLinux all together. So the TF2 servers will probably be down until my weekend starts. In the meantime I’ve spun up a fresh VM with a shinier version of AlmaLinux! It’ll be something for me to tinker with after work tomorrow. At some point I should update my other Linux systems and servers, another day…