The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Ruining It For Everyone Else Since 2004
The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Fly Like An Eagle

For being a game about trying to go as long as you can without crashing into something it sure holds some surprises. I discovered this card world through one of the world portals.

Other than that I got a couple of achievements, and even made it to the highest level, which apparently is a rare achievement in itself… I’m guessing people got bored of the game after awhile. Eh, there’s just something about it that I like.

Since I made it to Level 25 the game rewarded me with a new level that can actually be finished! Whether or not I make it though is a story for another time. Of course, the game itself is far from over. I only have under half of the achievements, there will be more future visits.

Booty Call

I didn’t have time to start the next bounty, but I did have fun hunting for booty and chests! Tonight I had fun taking my jetpack to new heights! (Pun Intentionally Unintentional). Currently backtracking in the slums, found a few chests and destroyed some generic baddies.  It helped quell my vengeful soul this evening, though the tea might also be helping with that.

Hat’s Off

Played a game of jacks tonight with The Mad Hatter, and won… kinda. Ever since then I’ve been wandering the more hellish parts of Wonderland.

Getting through this area was a bit of a hassle because of the Devils, the slippery slopes and the jump button not working when I wanted it to. This is where Alice will be setting up camp for the time being, ending the evening on a more twisted note. Tomorrow night I’m thinking of playing something just as warped, but probably newer.

Finding The Light

Tonight’s game kinda keeps with last night’s theme. I did have problems remembering how to climb, and then there was timing the parry jumps and other obstacles, but I did cover more ground in the Misty Woods. It’s fortunate that they made the game extremely beautiful, it makes up for all the F bombs I threw tonight while fighting some of the monsters.

This area was fun. When you jump in this area it toggles mushroom platforms, but if you jump out of sequence you’ll jump towards a closed mushroom and inevitably die in a pit of spikes. You just have to remember not to double jump before jumping towards the platform. Next month is Maytroidvania, if I don’t give it more playtime this month I’ll have to keep it in mind for May. Of course, it does compete with the other Metroidvanias in my collection that I’ve yet to finish, though I am pretty close on Dust, and not much further to go in Shantae and the Seven Sirens. In my library you just never know. 😛

You Can Almost Taste The Cherry Blossoms

Aragami’s viewing of the Cherry Blossoms.

There wasn’t much April Foolin’ for me to do today. It’s still my weekend, did a little more reorganizing and then spent some time on the couch enjoying some Aragami – seems like a perfect game to kick the month off with. Finished Chapter 10, only three more chapters remain before I can declare this one finished. Then I’ll return to it whenever I feel like plinking away at Achievements. I tried to start this off as a pacifist, but ended up getting bloodthirsty on a few levels. There are also some scrolls I missed earlier on, so this will definitely have some replay value for me.

Beware The Easter Githyanki Eggs

Find the source of all RGB

Happy Easter, and Happy Trans Visibility Day! Or it was… it’s evening now at the time of writing this. Still, a perfect reason to play Baldur’s Gate 3! I mean you do find eggs in the game, sometimes… and we’re both currently playing as Trans characters, so maybe every weekend is Trans-Easter? I just confused myself…

There were many surprises waiting for us in the Creche. We spoke to a Queen that betrayed us and fought many Githyanki. Next time we play we’ll have to find some Ceremonial Artifacts, and probably battle more Githyanki in the process.

This Game Is On Fire

It was another productive day. Got off work and continued spring cleaning the desk area, and then rewarded myself with a bit of Kena while enjoying the scent of cherry blossoms and sipping blueberry green tea on a comfortable spring evening. I only played for about an hour, but I covered quite a bit of ground. Found a few more Rot, cleansed a couple areas and explored new found territory with even more to uncover on a future session.

I was going to do some animating tonight, but after spending most of the day on my feet between work and tidying I opted to futz about instead. It’s my weekend now after all, and anything is possible… except finishing a game in March. Oh well, at least I had plenty of adventures along the way with plenty more on the horizon!

Flying Air Overlord

Made two perfect runs tonight in Whisker Squadron Survivor! Even with the cursed choices I had to select during the run I still managed to make it through every zone, twice! Maybe one of these nights I’ll Twitch stream it! I was looking at additional Twitch plugins and I see that it has one for Whisker Squadron Survivor that allows the audience to choose my fate, when prompted of course.

I didn’t have time to do anything adventurous gaming tonight, been continuing my spring cleaning session. This time I cleared the upper part of my desk. I’ll probably clean the rest of the desk tomorrow, it has a lot of surface area to clean. That and reorganizing… I was looking at the collection of software I’ve accumulated over the years, and some of it I see no reason in keeping anymore. Programs like Adobe and older stuff that I have no reason to use anymore, thanks to better and more modern Open Source alternatives. Those will have to wait for another day, much like what remains on what feels like an infinite to-do list. At least I’m never bored tho. 😛

Would You Look At The Time

Another evening, another hour of Alice. I just couldn’t keep away. I wanted to fight the Mad Hatter tonight, but only had time to deal with his goons.

Still… I’m a level closer to finishing it, and with the series being dead after Madness Returns I have no problems savoring this one like a fine wine. Time to shelve it for now, and pick a different distraction tomorrow night.

An Hour Of Alice


Made it a couple levels further!I got abducted by The Mad Hatter, and now I have to find him and kick his ass. I did manage to find a deadly game of jacks. It made taking down new enemies really entertaining, you just have to make sure never to play with them alone… for reasons. I might pick up on it again tomorrow, have to call it an early night. At least I got some more animation done. 🙂 Will probably work more on that after work tomorrow as well.