The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Ruining It For Everyone Else Since 2004
The Mind Of OverlordTomala

>New type of bot methinks

This was awaiting approval in my inbox today.

Figlio di puttana, sai che tu sei un pezzo di merda? Hm? You think you’re cool, right? Hm? Hm? When you kicked out people out of your house I tell you this, one of three Americans die of cancer,
you know? Asshole. You’re gonna be one of those.I don’t have the courage to kick your ass directly.
Don’t have enough courage for that,
I could, you know. You know you’re gonna have another accident?You know I’m involved with black magic? Fuck you. Die. Bastard.
You think you’re so cool, hm? Asshole.And if I ever see your fucking face around, In Europe or Italy,Well I’ll — That time I’m gonna kick your ass.Fuck you. Fucking Americans, Yankee.You’re gonna die outta cancer, I promise.No one does what you did to me.
You wanna know something? Fuck you.
I want your balls smashed, eat shit. Bastard. Pezzo di merda, figlio di puttana.
I hope somebody in your family dies soon. Crepa, pezzo di merda, e vai
a sucare cazzi su un aereo!

So now people are creating bots that hate Americans? That’s actually kinda funny. But just in case it’s another guy who locks himself in his parents basement, I’ll add these for good measure.

I don’t have the courage to kick your ass directly.
Don’t have enough courage for that,
I could, you know.

Shorter Chicken Shit: I’m a big toughy becuz I say tuff thingz on teh internetz.

You know I’m involved with black magic? Fuck you. Die. Bastard.

There was another guy that said he was involved with potions and poisons. But it turns out he was some 300 290 pound virgin who likes to draw penises in his spare time.

I want your balls smashed

That would be really difficult…

>Saturday Night Open Thread

Another normal day passes. At the end of it I bought some gingerbread chai, Indian chai and some tension tamer tea. It’s been getting into the 40’s and 30’s here at night so it’s nice to have some hot beverages. Yesterday I even bought a sugar and cream holder set for my tea pot collection, since I’m still a pot head after all.

On another note, you folks can’t see it. But I have had to delete 3 comments. All by spambots that think I need a bigger penis.


Christopher910 wrote:
Over a year ago, Chogon posted announcement that Cyan was putting on hold further development and launching of MORE. When I read this announcement, I was sad but I knew times that we all living in at this moment. I also know something else is going to happen real soon. I am going to share a message with you all because I want to know what is really going to happen.

The Rapture is at Hand

We Christians had been waiting for this period in Earth history almost 2,000 years just after Jesus was taken up to Heaven in Acts 1:9-11. I am speaking about the second coming of Jesus. I has been learing about this second coming of Christ for years. I have been getting news commentary across the web for long time. I am getting news and commentary from Jack Van Impe Minstries International at and The Hal Lindsey Report at

After World War 2, two major Bible prophecies happened that tell us Christ’s return is drawing near. The first major sign happened on May 14th, 1948 when the Jewish people reestablished Ishael atfer the King Nebuchadnezzar conquered Ishael back in 586 B.C. this fulfill in Hosea 6:1-2 and in Ezekiel 37:11-14 when God told Ezekial that He will bring Ishael back to life. The second major sign is when the Jewish captured Jerusalem in the six days war in June of 1967 this fulfill Luke 21:29-32. After these two major prophecies occured every prophecy sings fell into place like jigsaw puzzle.

The reason that I am writing to you to let you know this things are happen even I am writing this to you. Jesus could call the ones that did accept Him as their own personal savior in order to escape hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world Revelation 3:10. Jesus want us to look for His coming because He will us a crown of righteous 2nd Timothy 4:8. If you hear something about a peace deal between Israel and the world for seven years, Jesus could call us home to be with Him forever in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. in Corinthians 15:52. If you want to learn more about Jesus’ return please visit Jack Van Impe and HalLindsey web sites.

Shorter post: If MORE doesn’t happen then the world will come to an end.

>The community grows more and more tired.

As time moves forward, open source has not been released yet. Fans of Uru await a Cyan sanctioned Uru and become more and more tired as Cyan’s silence on the subject continues.

Meanwhile, most of us know that Cyan is working on another game called MagiQuest Online. This allows Cyan to get some money back into their company. And I’m happy that they have been given this opportunity.

I can’t find the pictures for magiquest that were over at Uru Obsession. But it looked like it will be running on Uru technology (I would guess MOUL since that was the most current out of all the versions), and if correct that would compromise the entire release of Open Source Uru for obvious reasons.

We have people who are quietly going away, people who are patiently waiting, and we have people who are upset that Cyan hasn’t gotten back to them about Uru as promised. I can’t believe I’m the one that has to say this, but I have to wonder if some of these people love Cyan as much as they claim. If they did I would think they would have a better understanding of what Cyan has to do to survive right now as a company. Currently it’s either MagiQuest or Open Source Uru. The one that offers the most money usually wins. And the fact of the matter is that Cyan can’t make money on Uru anymore.

Some seem to believe that Open Source Uru and MagiQuest Online can co exist. Yet I remember when people fought over UU’s death. Some said it could co exist as a whole other entity compared to Uru Live, and others thought UU should be banished to protect MOUL and Cyan. While some of that may remain true, I’m starting to wonder if that was even the case. I’m thinking that some of these people don’t care what happens to Cyan. They just want Cyan to run Uru and everything will be happy for them.

Even though Cyan has made some choices that I never agreed with, I wouldn’t want to see the company die. And if it means making MagiQuest. Then more power to them.

>Open Thread

Now that I’ve finished my little movie project I’ll have to try and post some stuff over here.

In other news the Uru community is still dead. One of the reasons why I haven’t been posting. I still have a job, another reason, learning how to skin and machinima tips, parties and football games in RL and so on.

Although BAD, Hoikas, Yutram and I are going in to Left 4 Dead every so often just to figure out how evil it is.

>Open Thread

Let me make two things clear. First, your Overlord has an announcement. Thanks to Bongmaster we have a radio station! And coming soon most of us on Channelmew will have our own radio and music shows. Find it here at:
The 2nd thing I’d like to state is that I have homemade cinnamon rolls. And Papa Smurf made them. Not San… I’m shocked too.

>A fix.

Came home today to some nice reading material.
In reading what Alah said over there I couldn’t help but think he could have worded the end better. Like so:

Alah wrote:
Hoikas equating their incredible and personally overwhelming financial problems with a bored teen needy Myst dork looking for money to buy a new luxury laptop external hard drive is sick and wrong

Improved for truthiness.