The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Somewhere Between Luck & Probability

It’s been one of those sleepy, silent Sunday’s. I made up a fiesta breakfast bowl and drank peach tea all day while unwinding with some Control. Earned some achievements and advanced the plot. I’m pretty close to where I was before having to start over, plus I learned a few things along the way thanks to a couple of side quests. More photos can be found on Mastodon.

Went Out For Shots

Another weekend begins, which means another chance at leveling up in Borderlands 3! We played for a few hours, completed a couple side-quests and moved the main story a bit, even made some new friends. With the Winter Sale being just around the corner we should probably consider loading up on some DLC. 😀 Maybe even some new potential adventures to have!

Thy Time Consumed


I don’t think I ever properly finished Thy Flesh Consumed, but in case I didn’t I can now say that I have! It was brutal playing it on Hurt Me Plenty (to be expected) but I managed, maybe someday I’ll be brave enough to attempt Nightmare Mode. I’d be more likely to tackle DOOM II sooner though. Until then, there are always other plans. 😛

The Tablet Lives Again!

Fully up and running on Manjaro 23! Everything is sync’d back up and ready for tomorrow! I did feel kind of naked only taking my Steam Deck to work today. The internet usually sucks at work so I wouldn’t have gotten a lot of reading done anyway. I did get a tiny bit of Whisker Squadron Survivor in during lunch at least. Maybe tomorrow I can resume a bit of animation. 😀

I just need to tweak a few things on my tablet, then I can set it into sleep mode along with myself.

When Life Fucks Your Tablet, Unfuck It

My plans ended up taking a bit of a detour today due to a giant fuck-up on my tablet, which did give me an excuse to put Windows on it to run overdue firmware updates. I just finished installing and updating it to the latest Manjaro! I’ll continue working on it tomorrow after I get off work. I’ll need to install the Surface Kernel, and get it tweaked the rest of the way. I have a perfect canvas awaiting me when I get my free time. Until then I’ll have to rough it on my Steam Deck.

I can’t complain too much, it’s been running for two years without a single reinstall. I’ve been meaning to upgrade it to the latest firmware and Manjaro for awhile now, this was just a real roundabout way to get me off my fat ass to perform an exorcism.

The Inferno Awaits

tfw you arrive on the shores of hell and you find that it’s actually a corporate warehouse.

Completed Episode 2 of DOOM! (Again). Finding a lot of secrets that I missed what felt like centuries ago.

There’s just something nice about revisiting these old ones, something warming in the old graphics and music. Funny enough I used to play a lot of DOOM during the holidays, though part of that might be because of it releasing 30 years ago this month. 😀 More on that later…

Evening Open Thread

Went out on the town with a friend tonight! We checked out the local holiday lights, and walked around chatted for awhile. It was a good outing, been awhile since I’ve been on an outing, especially with a friend. I usually pretty much do my own thing, but sometimes it is nice to get out and get some air. I took some GoPro footage, might consider making something with it before Merry Monday.

Open Thread!