The forum/Dedicated servers will be accessible for the time being. We’re testing the new RAID5 right now. It already looks like one of the new hard drives is borked. >_>
>G15 fail.
Well, my Logitech G15 keyboard came in the mail today. Unfortunately the LCD display is just orange. I’ve tried old drivers, new drivers. Nothing…
I’ve contacted the seller, now to see what happens next.
>Dedicated Server issues resolved.
Ok! The L4D server issues have been solved!!! Turns out it was a loose nut behind the keyboard.
Valve’s keyboard.
Seems there was a requirement change for LDS systems and for some reason Valve decided not to tell us about it. Very nice of Valve to do that. We got the L4D1 server to run again. Will install the 2nd one later today.
I didn’t think it was possible to be happy and pissed at the same time.
>Halloween Open Thread
It was a quiet halloween over here. It rained, very few trick or treaters showed up. But lat least I had my medkit!
And here’s my costume:
I even had the proper shoes on. Amazing what kind of clothes I have lying around the house! I didn’t even have to really buy anything for the costume.
The pictures were taken with my new camera. I did some digging around on that and learned that the device errors are quite common. It has also been known to draw too much voltage (I speculate this is why I got the camera for a cheap price). Thankfully I have an SD slot in my laptop that I can use. I ordered an adapter for the Memory card so that it’ll fit properly in the laptop slot. In the meantime I have an older laptop I can offload the pictures onto.
>Downtime over the next couple of days.
Got some new toys in. 🙂 Will be experimenting with the server over the next couple days. So the forum, TF2 and HL2DM servers may vanish from time to time.
>Open Thread
Had a chocolate bath tonight, with chocolate candles and vanilla musk. I deserved it after a hard day of surviving zombies, Apparently October 30th is a good day to prepare for Christmas… On the bright side they allowed us to dress up for work so I went as Zoey from Left 4 Dead. No one recognized me… On a funnier note I had an older couple that thought I was serious about the whole zombie apocalypse thing. The woman looked horrified (they were teatards though so I think they qualify as zombies). Tomorrow I’ll be wearing my Nick costume instead. I’ll provide pictures of that AND the first aid kit. 😀
Tonight’s dinner was corned beef, mashed taters and broccoli. Had a nice warm Bloody Mary too.
Tomala + 5
>Open Game Thread
I was bored the other night and decided to open up some TF2 to practice. I had no idea about the interface changes. Decided to use the training mode and offline practice sessions. It’s a real fun game. Maybe when I get some more training under my belt I’ll play some online sessions. Tonight I put up a TF2 server to experiment on as well.
On another note, my L4D servers are still dead.