The Mind Of OverlordTomala

>Open Thread

Had a chocolate bath tonight, with chocolate candles and vanilla musk. I deserved it after a hard day of surviving zombies, Apparently October 30th is a good day to prepare for Christmas… On the bright side they allowed us to dress up for work so I went as Zoey from Left 4 Dead. No one recognized me… On a funnier note I had an older couple that thought I was serious about the whole zombie apocalypse thing. The woman looked horrified (they were teatards though so I think they qualify as zombies). Tomorrow I’ll be wearing my Nick costume instead. I’ll provide pictures of that AND the first aid kit. 😀

Tonight’s dinner was corned beef, mashed taters and broccoli.  Had a nice warm Bloody Mary too.

Tomala + 5

>Open Game Thread

I was bored the other night and decided to open up some TF2 to practice. I had no idea about the interface changes. Decided to use the training mode and offline practice sessions. It’s a real fun game. Maybe when I get some more training under my belt I’ll play some online sessions. Tonight I put up a TF2 server to experiment on as well.

On another note, my L4D servers are still dead.

>Open Thread.

I relaxed in a nice hot bath with blue water after a hard days work. Then I had some pizza and tried to connect my camera to two of my systems. For some strange reason it either refuses to work or it will work but will respond slower than molasses. My laptop does have a flashcard reader built in and I do have a flashcard coming in the mail.

On another note, someone at work wanted to know if I was single because this guy is interested in me but is too shy to say anything. Plus he’s almost 40… This wasn’t what I meant when I said I was interested in older men.

>Dumb question of the day.

So I’m putting shit away at work, minding my own business when all of a sudden these two ladies ask “Our names were paged over the intercom to meet someone at the customer service desk. Do we have to go there?” I couldn’t believe it, “Yes. That means someone you know is looking for you.” “Ok, is there any way you can find out who it is? We don’t want to walk all the way over there…” For fuck sake it’s not a huge store. They’re not old or crippled. I wanted to volunteer to walk over there and ask whose looking for them. But they probably would have taken me up on the offer.

>And when he stood up the couch cushions were gone.

You know… The reason why tech support asks these questions is because like DG said, there are people who forget to plug in the equipment properly. Apparently Kat Murray Rat has no clue of how tech support works, because he chewed Adam’s ass out for asking point blank if the speakers were plugged in.

Murray/Kat Rat:

Yes they were rude and if I peruse their past posts most of them are very much so. Just to clarify your attempt to set me straight, I am in real life a qualified digital electronics engineer, working for a major airline, so no one has to tell me about checking plugs, nor do they have to tell ural the same. If you read my past remarks you will see that I clearly stated that plugs were not an issue. Next time I will not send anyone in here to solve issues, that is a promise.
For me the matter is closed, this forum has had to tolorate enough stupidity.

The only person that I saw being a total asshole was the ratfuck enthusiast that is Murray Kat Rat. Now I’m sure some people will see me write that and think I’m over the line picking on him as he is considered by many to be a respectable community member. A respectable community member would never have sent the kind of emails that I happen to have on hand among other interesting items… And I think if this were ever challenged, this blog would be a perfect place to share with his friends and enemies. It would make a great sequel to “Profiles in asshattary”.


>Of fishtanks and churches.

Yesterday a thread was started over at the MOUL forum by DreamingGirl:

To which Verylooney locked and gave a link to a discussion already in progress, about a fishtank… What does a fishtank have to do with Cyan’s church?

Nice to see verylooney is still an excellent moderator. Totally worth keeping on staff.