>The Overlord’s Battlecry


Running over the wasteland, wielding a piece of chainlink fence, cometh GuildMaster Grand Poobah Emperoress Shogun Divine Saint Pharaoh Comrade Overlord Tomala Of The Guiding Light! And she gives a bloodthirsty bellow:

“For the love of beatings, I bring darkness and mayhem like a sentient bulldozer!”


>Late Night Open Thread

Today was “simply fabulous!”. Good food, good weather, and I tidied up. O no one should mess with my stuff!!! Clean surroundings make the Overlord feel less cluttered.

And at this point I’m almost to the bottom of the bottle of chardonnay. And had a couple slices of a chocolate cream pie I had… Mmmm I like pie.

Tomala + 8-ish

>Open Thread

I got the day off from being an Overlord today. So I spent it out wandering the streets. Oh! And going to lunch and maybe a little ice cream… And right when I came home the fog was outside. It just HAD to follow me home…

I was bored so I made a public service announcement. LISTEN TO YOUR OVERLORD!!!

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ln0rz5_-Nu8&hl=en&fs=1&]

>Late Night Open Thread

I spent my final vacation day at home relaxing and making a couple of meals and snacks for the days to come. And did some shard protesting. Someday logging into those shards will bring them down… Oh! And I did some online shopping just now. Pictures will be provided when it arrives in the mail. But it’s perfect for an Overlord like me, that’s fer sure.

Well, guess I’ll go sew some stuff back onto a couple of shirts now.

>I know who you are…

Remember that stalker we had here at the blog awhile back? The one that left 2 days after saying he’d never leave me alone? I know who he is now. I’m not going to say who yet, but I’m not completely surprised.

Here’s a clue. He’s simulcasted on MystBlogs, and what’s sad was that I had no problem with this guy. I actually considered his blog to be a fun and interesting read. But for some strange reason he decided to pull that stalker shit over here. You’re not a dark and mysterious person. You’re a fat dumbshit that’s angry because you haven’t been able to find your happy spot since you were 4. And since you’re too fucking huge to leave your room, you do shit like this in your spare time when you’re not making pictures of what you like to do with a banana squash.

I should thank you for making it very easy to find you. I saved your ISP and IP address when you visited the slackers chat room. And strangely enough it matched perfectly when I did a whois on you during Mysterium in CyanChat. Really, thank you for laying out the red carpet for me.

And another thing. If you so much as respond to anything over here I will post who you are, what blog you run, what your IP address is and what ISP you go through.

I think I’ve made my point. Stay away or there’s going to be a big bashing with your name all over it.

>And this is how it ends.

Neile has changed his blog yet again with something new to say.


How did we get here? One bad feeling heaped upon another. I have taken a long hard look at my life lately, and I truly am sorry for all that has happened between us. I see now this is not how I wish to live out my life. There is enough anger, hate and hurt feelings in this world. You have every right to keep being mad at me, and that’s OK. I just can’t keep this up any more. I never really wanted things to go this far. I just needed to feel a little compassion for my situation. I understand now that was an unrealistic expectation on my part for a situation I should have never gotten involved in in the first place. I hope you all can forgive me. There is no real need for me to hang around here like this, so I promise I will really try to never darken your lives again. Good luck, I hope you find the desires of your heart.

If you’re willing to stop then I’m willing to do the same. In fact I think it would be best that we leave it all behind and go our separate ways. Though I think it’s too late to save this friendship it is far better that we walk away knowing neither of us is out to get the other, my only hope is that it stays that way.

Take care Neile.
