The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Tonight’s Distraction: Ion Fury!

Been sight seeing in Ion Fury the last couple of days. It started with me playing it on my Steam Deck during lunch, and then these last couple of evenings I’ve been uncovering secrets and destroying cybernetic wannabe jedi cultists. Apparently I drank 20 cans of soda, and I even earned a rare achievement for doing some extra exploring!

Another Bloodstained Sunday

Made it to a little over 80% completion tonight! I beat David Hayter (Zangetsu) in combat, and he rewarded me with his sword. I also defeated The Carpenter, thanks to Zangetsuto! I’d play more, but this is a short weekend for me. Most of my co-workers are on vacation, and they’re making me do the splits this week – I don’t get another day off until Saturday. As a silver lining that does give me a three day weekend, so there is that. 😛

I’m glad I was able to make some more progress, the last time I played it didn’t feel like I got very far. Now the next time I play I’ll know what to look forward to! New things to find, and probably more death and powerups!

Venus Flytrap Better Move Over…

For some reason playing all that Hades this week made me think about Bastion, it made for some very intense gardening. I guess this has been the week of roguelikes for me? (though this isn’t really a Rogue Like now that I think about it…) Either way I made progress, picked up a spear and some pistols, and moved between different battlegrounds.

Flying Deep Into The Purple

I came sooooo close to conquering all 10 zones tonight! Oh well… on the bright side this is the furthest I’ve made it so far. Give it a few hundred more deaths and I’ll get it! Tonight’s run had all the fixin’s; chain lightning deaths, siphoning energy from destroyed enemy ships, such upgrades, much enemy destruction!

See you, Space Cats.


Wow, it’s Wednesday and I somehow managed to make a short video AND play three different games… and they’re all indie! Started out with Outland during my morning lunch break, then played a round of Hades and then finished off in Whisker Squadron Survivor. What can I say? I’m versatile. 😛

After murdering a green cube with my laz0rz I think I found The Matrix for mechanical insects. So far this has been one of the harder alternative routes to take. I still haven’t beat a run – I clearly need more practice!

This time when I re-entered the House of Hades, my faithful Doggo Cerberus was nowhere to be found. There were also a few other characters missing, and Meg was getting “Promoted” by Big Hades himself. I get the feeling I’ll find out why on my next playthrough! 😛

So Much Video, Such Little Time

I’ve been getting through a lot of footage! There are a couple short gameplay videos in the pipeline, and I’ve been recording all of my private gameplay sessions on the off chance I find any strange glitches, or if anything else note happens to take place. I’m thinking of going through some more modern-ish footage tomorrow; either some recent Klonoa footage, or some O.G Borderlands in 4K depending on the mood. I’m not sure if there’s anything salvageable from my Klonoa gameplay, but I’m sure the Borderlands might have something in store!

My Monday Indie Assortment

Whisker Squadron Survivor finally released today! They made the rides longer, and they definitely made the game even harder since the demo. It did take my stats from my demo playthrough and added them onto my character as an added bonus. I haven’t made it to the end of the newer runs yet, but I am looking forward to practicing in my spare time. 🙂 Maybe even live if I’m up to it!

I picked it up in small rail shooter pack that included it and another game called Ex-Zodiac, I’ve only finished the first level so far, but I like it! It brought back memories of playing Star Fox while visiting at some relatives as a kid. I never had a SNES so I couldn’t get into the series – at least we have some indies that can help scratch that itch! If Nintendo doesn’t want my money I’ll give it to the indies, plain and simple. This and Whisker Squadron Survivor were great to play when I needed to take a break from dying constantly in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night!

I didn’t get very far, but I did level up my character, obtained a few permanent health items and even got a couple achievements to add to the collection. Apart from that though I need to git gud at slaying Zangetsu again, and this guy…

The Carpenter clearly is some kind of demon based on his beautiful purple blood. So far my many attempts have yet to stagger him in battle, which tells me it’s time to take a break. Between last night and today I got a little over 1% more completed, and I’m sure I’ll return this again soon – at least within a years time! 😛