The Mind Of OverlordTomala

All Work & One Hour of Play

Ammy keepin’ it real.

Spent the last hour of the evening trying to gear myself towards achievements in Okami. I’m thinking after this romp I’ll be taking a break though, maybe play something completely different for my next session. Possibly something with a more humanoid form?

This is fine!

It all hasn’t been about play though, been getting a lot of animation done… unfortunately we keep coming up with other ideas to animate into the scenes. Damn our imaginations!!! I’m hoping to have something rendering in the next few days, which is good because that’ll warm the house and it’s supposed to be getting into freezing temperatures… FREEZING TEMPERATURES.

Evening Open Thread

A couple years ago, I received an anime cookbook for Christmas. I haven’t really done much with it other than make really delicious honey ginger milk for tea, but this weekend I attempted to change that. I learned about a dish called Omurice, a Japanese breakfast dish inspired by western omelets! Basically you fry rice and then wrap it up in an omelet with ketchup drizzled on top. The ingredients are easy enough to gather and prepare, but the omelet is where I’ve been failing. During my first attempt yesterday I browned the omelet more than I should of, but it still tasted good. Today I got the color right, but it fell apart when trying to put it all together. I’ll probably need to watch some videos to get an idea for the technique. It’s tasty even if the omelet falls apart, but I want to get the presentation right. Instead of having mine with ketchup, I purchased a gingery Asian BBQ Sauce, and it all tasted sooooo good.

Between my Omurice attempts, drinking green tea, flowery aromatherapy and lots of Okami; it’s been a nice, relaxing weekend. I just need to finish it up with a matcha latte and then I can successfully call it a night.

All Aboard The Ark Of Yamato!

Another game I can add to the finished list! Now that I’ve successfully finished it I can provide my list of pros and cons:

  • You’re a Wolf… AWESOME
  • You’re a God… that’s cool too
  • Beautiful Music and Visuals
  • Amazing Storytelling
  • Hours of Exploration
  • Unique Gameplay: Slowly save the world with The Joy of Painting!
  • 4K Support
  • Linux and Steam Deck Friendly
  • 30FPS limit


All in all I thoroughly enjoyed playing Okami, and look forward to playing it again on NG+! Easily one of the best games of all time. Now give us Okamiden!

Fighting Through Light and Dark

I Found The Great Wall Of Oh Fuck

Went dancing through pretty shapes and lights in Outland! I gained the laser ability and destroyed a bunch of jellyfish. Apparently I got a “rare” achievement for finding 10 collectables. Although, looking at the global achievement stats for Outland it looks like not many have finished this game. Thanks to the Steam Deck though I might change that… a little. I seem to really like playing Metroidvanias on it, it just feels right.

As simple as it is in design – it does present a fun challenge. Time is literally everything in getting through some of these obstacles. If you’re red (dark) the red beams won’t hurt you, same if you turn blue (light) and run through the blue beams.

Timing, it’s everything.

Late Evening Open Thread

Just chillin’ tonight… literally. So far, it has been (once again) the coldest winter I’ve ever had here on the coast. I woke up to ice this morning, and tomorrow is looking to be about the same. The sun has been coming out, but as nice and bright as it is I wouldn’t mind a small enough amount of heat to go with it. It feels like I mostly live in sweaters these days…

Didn’t have time to play anything today, but I did get a little animation done, and even caught up with a friend I haven’t talked to in awhile. All in all a fulfilling day. Now it’s time to charge myself along with my other devices.

Open Thread!

My Mic Stand For a Demon

Happy Valentines Day! I don’t have anyone to really celebrate it with, but a friend and I did a surprise gift exchange. I upgraded my mic stand over the weekend, and offered him my old one.

It isn’t even that old either! I just needed something tall that can sit on the ground, giving me more room on my desk for other things. It just needed a small bit of cleanup and it was ret-2-go. I brought it to work today and he surprised me with my own pet pinky demon!

Haven’t decided what to name it yet… Pinky seems too obvious.

It was definitely a kind gesture… I’ll have to get him back when his birthday rolls around, just a couple months away. That’ll give me time to fabricate my plans for a proper giftvengeance. 😛