My first day off always seems to be the day that I just chill and try to collect my myself. I passed out early enough last night that I woke up to a beautiful sunrise! Enjoyed some brunch, did a couple chores, and even had time to render the first part of my upcoming animated video! That gave me some time to play a couple games on Steam Deck while rendering. Got my ass trounced in Bayonetta, and I gave myself motion sickness in Overload. I guess this is my punishment for time traveling back to the early 90’s to make progress on one of the many games I never finished. Goals, we all have them.
Chillin’ in Commander Keen
Ah, this must be the fridge.
There’s a lot of ice and pepsi in this level. I’m guessing this must have been what the devs were running on.
Meanwhile, On Mars
Found the Mars Pepsi Reserve!
I’ll try to post something slightly less retro tomorrow. 😛 But no promises.
Fun With Steam Deck Configs
I’ve been crafting a Commander Keen config for my Steam Deck! I’m getting tired of opening the on screen keyboard to save my progress, or answer old school dialogue windows. I also put in a radial menu for save numbers! It’s like having a computer built into a better Steam Controller. Once I’m happy with it I’m planning to make it public. There are already a few other configs to choose from on the Workshop, and I’d like to contribute! 😀
Sunday In Spaaaaaaaace!
Some friends and I got together for a wee bit of GMod tonight. Lara Croft got her yacht stuck on Rainbow Road, so we decide to pull it for a lap. It was an hour well spent!
This Is What The Steam Deck Was Made For
Taking a break from my Metroidvania streak to appease my inner five year old, by playing Commander Keen on the Steam Deck! I always thought this would have played well on a GameBoy. I just had to wait a few years. :v
Friday The 13th Open Thread
Wiped after another long day, long week. I need to start planning a getaway soon.
Open Thread.