The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Living The Moderately Neat-O Life

My first day off always seems to be the day that I just chill and try to collect my myself. I passed out early enough last night that I woke up to a beautiful sunrise! Enjoyed some brunch, did a couple chores, and even had time to render the first part of my upcoming animated video! That gave me some time to play a couple games on Steam Deck while rendering. Got my ass trounced in Bayonetta, and I gave myself motion sickness in Overload. I guess this is my punishment for time traveling back to the early 90’s to make progress on one of the many games I never finished. Goals, we all have them.

Fun With Steam Deck Configs

I’ve been crafting a Commander Keen config for my Steam Deck! I’m getting tired of opening the on screen keyboard to save my progress, or answer old school dialogue windows. I also put in a radial menu for save numbers! It’s like having a computer built into a better Steam Controller. Once I’m happy with it I’m planning to make it public. There are already a few other configs to choose from on the Workshop, and I’d like to contribute! 😀