The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Blue Mood Is Blue

It’s looking like I won’t have this finished before the new year, but I’ll at least have 95% done for next year! I’m still putting time into this whenever I can. I didn’t actually mean to today, but I find when I’m feeling low I feel better when I’m doing something creative. There’s just something about escaping into another place for awhile, if only to forget for a moment.

Sipping Nog and Watching St Elmo’s Dumpster Fire

Got all Xmas gifts in my possession! Now I’m just waiting for a few birthday presents and then I won’t have to worry about gifting for a couple of months! I’ll need the additional free time to start looking into building a Mastodon server of my own. It’ll be nice to have my own instance, especially with more and more people joining it everyday to evade St Elmo’s Dumpster Fire. My feed has been set ablaze by the mass bannings over at the birdshite. I’ve been sitting back with my popcorn and watching the world burn.

I’m glad I never that place. I won’t have to worry about missing it to the same extent other people do.

Something, Something, Beverages

Nothing to report – Just another day of work come and gone, with a little bit of fun in between. Just drinking some tea and cocoa before lights out. I’ve been buying the high quality mixes of cocoa and adding different things to it. For example: I bought a dark cocoa and added toasted green tea matcha to it, plus some cinnamon, nutmeg and cayenne pepper for something equally sweet spicy and smoky. It’s now one of my favorite ways of drinking matcha! I find if I incorporate it into my daily life at least once I don’t have as much grog when I wake up.