The Mind Of OverlordTomala

A Seriously Good Day

Today’s lunch break was seriously fun. I played Serious Sam! On the ride home from work I decided to test my skills at playing with the gyro enabled in the car, and uhhhhh, yeah… I don’t recommend it. I’ll have to try disabling the gyro, or stick with other game genres.

I also made time to go through some more video footage involving a similar topic! 😛 I’ll be adding this vid to the December lineup! As nice as it is making these short montages. Tomorrow I’ll go over an old L4D2 stream to see if there are any nut-worthy moments.

Steam Deck Game Of The Day: Blade Kitten

Another week of work means another enjoyable lunch break of food and destruction! It’s been awhile since I’ve played Blade Kitten, it’s one of those games I actually finished a long time ago! But there are still several remaining achievements, plus some free DLC I never completed. I’m also going to try and find all the chests and other secrets. It gives me a good excuse to revisit this classic!

I might pick a different game tomorrow, there is currently 51 games installed on my Steam Deck, so i kan haz optionz.

Oki Doki

I binged on Okami today with the aid of green tea, udon soup and the scent of cherry blossoms from a soy candle I have to remove the scent of fire smoke from California. We had a bunch of it yesterday and it’s been bothering my throat along with many others. I even found a new area! Once again I’m in awe at how big this game is, given the era it came out in. There was also completing a bounty list, catching a thief and mastering most of the god techniques… including pissing on my enemies to gain demon fangs.

I also looked at the Okami footage again, and I think I have an idea for an ending for it. I have the basic building blocks for it but will go over building the script with my good friend. 🙂

Another Saturday Of Crash

She’s about as thrilled with this level as I am.

To celebrate homing my attention span to one game for a week I decided to play Crash Bandicoot Warped on my Deck AND on my Desktop! That’s another game that runs extremely well on the Steam Deck, which is no surprise since under regular Linux it runs as if it were a native build! I’m thinking of chilling in Okami tomorrow. I made a bunch of progress last time and wanted to continue my adventures through the joy of painting. 😛

Meanwhile… In My Video Collection

Sifted through what seems to be my eternal collect ion of Skyrim videos, and got almost an entire two minutes of footage harvested from an almost two hour livestream… hooray!…? I’m transferring another Skyrim livestream over to my video editing SSD for the next time I have time to hack n slash some footage. Heck, I might even go over it tomorrow after work to make up for yesterday’s lost time.

For better judgement, I’ll have to sleep on it. 😛

Dust to Dust

It was too warm to work on any video footage today, or to even hide myself away at my workstation. It was the perfect day to go outside, chill in the shade and play more Dust: An Elysian Tail on my Deck of Steam. I’ve uncovered new places, found more quests, and have been enjoying whirling my chaos through the air!

Years ago, during my last attempt to play though this game, I found an underground cavern that had underground cherry blossoms followed by giant mushrooms followed by the poisonous semen forest (that’s not what it’s actually called, but I can’t be the only one thinking that) that will eventually lead you to a village populated by a community of cold blooded creatures.

Friendly, cold blooded creatures. 😛 I’m probably going to press on further tomorrow. I’ve already been playing it on and off since Monday. It’s been fun to play on my all time favorite hand held!

Farewell To a Couple Hundred Gigs

There I was… Enjoying some cocoa and sifting through some video footage (as is tradition) when suddenly I reach a point where I can export a video! I went back to some more of the Skyrim footage, and fashioned together a small montage of crazy moments from one of the livestreams. Sadly this is another video without any animation, but I’m ok with going classic for this one! Then there was the NieR footage, and looking that over again I didn’t see much to really animate… so I finished that one up too! Two more videos added to the massive lineup!

Dust On My Steam Deck?

The Steam Deck has over 5,000+ verified and playable titles at the time of writing this, and for some reason Dust: An Elysian Tail is not one of them! I’ve thrown a few hours into it on my Steam Deck between now and yesterday, and I haven’t had any issues. It looks fine at native resolution – I can read everything on the screen, and it has a native Linux build. My only other guess would be that it came out in 2014, and the developers haven’t looked back at it since. Verified or not, it works and I’ve been having fun slashing my sword in the air and collecting all the Wall Chickens I can eat!