$100 Well Spent

$100 Well Spent

As usual, Bethesda doesn’t disappoint with disappointments.

Update: Fallout 76 players who have signed up for Fallout 1st report that Private Worlds have dead NPCs and looted areas in them and can get invaded by other players Also, some say that the Scrapbox has eaten up all their materials, removing them forever

Just think… they could have bought a couple games with that money, ones that actually work properly and don’t have more Fallout 4 content than Fallout 4. :trollface:

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Melon Seed
October 24, 2019 4:41 pm

Soon $100 won’t even be enough to afford a game anymore…. And if we’re being honest, in some cases it’s barely a fraction of the game’s cost (looking at you “Train Simulator”).