Come join us as we drive on a colorful mushroom planet, explore a tiny forest, and discover the ruins of another VR era.
The Pea Flower Blues
I don’t know what it is, but I’ve been craving a lot of butterfly pea flower tea as of late. When I originally tried it I ordered it in bag form. This time around I ordered some loose leaf, or rather loose flower I guess? It has a better taste, as expected. With loose leaf teas you can purely taste the tea, or flowers in this case. Whereas bagged tea loses its flavor, plus when you brew it you’re also warming up the glue keeping the teabag together (unless you’re one of those fancy people that uses sewn silk pillow bags, at least those give you something close to the loose leaf experience).
I notice they make a powdered version, similar to matcha. I might consider getting some next time I need to order more. I saw recipes online for blue lattes and bubble teas, and it’s already sending my imagination racing.
Some Fine Looking Fur Babies
I haven’t shared a good pic of our tiny potato babies in a hot minute. It’s cool seeing a bonded pair chilling side by side after a day of pouncing on one another. They’re growing up quite nicely. 🙂
Something Something Money
It might not be a weekend, but we made time to go to the casino tonight in Borderlands 3. We’re still playing the Handsome Jackpot DLC, still finding side quests and new areas. It was a nice escape for the evening. 🙂
A Village Reunited
Feeling a bit better tonight. Did some closed captioning and then found the last two missing villagers in Order of Ecclesia. Now I just need to grind at all the remaining quests, do a little treasure hunting and then I can go off and fight the final boss… I think? It looks like this might be the first in The Dominus Collection that I’ll finally be finishing, though it’ll have to wait a few more nights if I want full completion. I have a feeling the grinding alone to find certain items might take awhile.
Lara’s Got Her Green On
Happy St. Patricks Day to those who celebrate! I didn’t do any drinking, still not feeling well enough to do that. But there was plenty of minty green tea to drink, and Tomb Raider 2! We successfully installed the new TV and I’ve already performed the ceremonial ritual of playing a Tomb Raider game on it.Played a little bit of Unfinished Business, then took a break and jumped into the sequel.
I should feel well enough to return from my weekend by tomorrow… unfortunately. It sucks spending the entire weekend feeling ill, makes me wish I could take an extra day, well… I could… but there is one person there worth coming in for.
Cozy Castlevania Sunday
Been playing more Order of Ecclesia – so far I’ve destroyed three different bosses. Been pretty much taking it easy today. It’s raining, and I haven’t been feeling well. It’s a good time to rest under a nice warm blanket, enjoy some blueberry tea, and play games that won’t make me motion sick. So far the Castlevania games are pretty good at not making me hug The Porcelain God.
Foxy Lady
I’ve been checking out a game called Kitsune Tails. It’s basically Super Mario World but with a gay love triangle. It has a cool level editor, and I’d even say the voice acting is anime quality. The levels themselves take some serious skill to get through unscathed. Luckily there is a shop you can spend yen at for power ups. It’s one of those games where you pick it up and play until you get frustrated, and then come back to it again later to progress a little more. I have to admit it is a pretty charming indie game.
Had a surprise delivery today! New TV arrived a day early, and this time IT ISN’T BROKEN!!!! Which is incredible because the box it arrived in looked like it was mangled by Satan’s anus, and a corner of the box suffered water damage. But we got it up and running with only a minor scratch on the protective film. I foresee a future weekend of cinematic gaming.
Tonight though, it’s a turn n’ burn. Gotta grab something to munch, take some sleeping pills and knock off until the morn’. Fun can wait until tomorrow. I’m just glad we finally got a TV in the house, safe and sound.