All work and no play makes me a dull Overlord

All work and no play makes me a dull Overlord

After fixing all of my websites, and doing the dusting I wasn’t able to get to last week I felt I deserved to goof off for the sake of goofing off. I’m currently in Vault 75 snooping around. It was a vault located under a school, making it easy for children to get to safety when the nuke went off… or so it starts out that way, further reading makes it look like when the children got older they met a not so happy ending; their organs were harvested and were used to put a curse on Vault 76! Anyone is free to leave the vault, but upon doing so they are forever doomed to wander a wasteland that contains unspeakable horrors like no other! Such as moon walking enemies, immortal enemies, phantom painus in the anus, and sudden disconnection from The Holy Goddess Beth Esda. .. I might be paraphrasing.

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Melon Seed
December 17, 2018 8:34 pm

Do you think Beth Esda is the antithesis of Verius Mellan? Like where everything Verius touches becomes fabulous and epic, everything Beth Esda touches turns into broken disappointment? Is ’cause that hoe never washes her hands after fondling so many investors’ anuses. She just got AAAAALLLLL the sick!

Melon Seed
Reply to  OverlordTomala
December 17, 2018 9:39 pm

Her shrine would simply be one of the regular divine shrines,.. but just the pedestal, the entire shrine just snapped off from the base. Her domain is disappointment, and for the Divines there is nothing more disappointing than a broken shrine, or one without their sign. Much like Verius, Beth Esda is shunned in the sphere of the Divines, for what quality is disappointment to the mortal realm? But in truth, Beth Esda’s blessing on Mundus is to set realistic expectations, to show that disappointment is a part of the world we must come to accept and deal with. (In… Read more »

Melon Seed
Reply to  Yutram
December 17, 2018 9:46 pm

Also wanted to add: much like the lore of Tamriel where gods appear with different names and faces before each of the mortal races, Beth Esda too has many names; they are Uub’Isoft, Iyeh, Koh-Nami and several others!