It was fun while it lasted

It was fun while it lasted

I have to admit… I played a little bit of CS:CZ (not the deleted scenes) and actually kinda sorta had fun… up until I was introduced to the retarded AI for the hostages. I also did some more SFM work, and finished up doing some voice lines with Yutram a bit ago. I’ll tear back into it tomorrow after work if I don’t accidentally a nap. I’m up a bit later than I should be, but wanted to get some recording done.

Aside from gaming I went on a small shopping spree online, picked up some gamer t-shirts and sauces (what a combo amirite?). I also had to retire a favorite pair of sandals, they were pretty ancient though; gives me an excuse to shop for some new ones I guess. :v:

Alright! Time to rest up for another week of anxiety…