I never left, but I’m back

I never left, but I’m back

Sorry I haven’t posted much lately. I’m finally having a day off, and my head feels much clearer. I even celebrated by having a livestream with friends. I wanted to do something a little more sociable rather than Skyrim this evening, and goofing around in Sandbox with some buddies sounded like a good romp. We visited a couple custom maps, one is a near perfect recreation of Dragonsreach from Skyrim, and we also visited an extended version an abstract map. We also did some watermelon science during our stay in Dragonsreach. I managed to get myself infected with a watermelon virus (and no, that’s not why I have amazing melons in the thumbnail). I thought only NPC’s could catch it, but apparently once you contract the watermelon virus it will either cause you to shit out watermelons, or cause you to explode into watermelons. :rick:

It was nice to have a calm day where nothing went wrong… and hopefully I’ll have one more day just like that. :melon: Perhaps if I’m feeling good I’ll finish that one video I’ve been working on for fucking ever too! Perhaps after some other form of fucking about. :zorak: