I’m Officially An Addict

I’m Officially An Addict

I think this is going to be one of those games that I’m going to have issues putting down. I made it deeper into the city, leveled up a few times and collected more weapons and other items. The ruined city really gives off some NieR Automata vibes. I’ve been using this and Source Filmmaker to keep me up tonight… I’m pulling graveyards for the next week… while I’m more of a night person than anything I can’t really say I’m too excited, but I’ll endure somehow I guess. On the bright side I get to sleep in too, so there is that. I’m thinking of plopping into bed, grabbing my steam controller and playing a little bit more before calling it a night.

Anyone else having fun with their Summer Sale games?

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Dieter Maggs
Melon Seed
June 29, 2020 5:23 am

Been loving this game so far, only made it a couple bosses in as me and a friend are gonna tackle the game together at some point which I’m looking forward to. Glad you’re enjoying it so far! 😀