Colour My World

Colour My World

Ever have one of those mornings where the weather is dreary enough that you just end up in accidental hibernation? I practically had to drag my ass out of bed this morning with a mental reminder of all the stuff I had to get done today. Not all brunches are big fabulous events, they can be small and modest. I had one Hawaiian bun staring me in the face this morning, and the idea of bacon and eggs stuffed in between with a mayo seasoned with chili lime seasoning and some pineapple salsa, and a little feta cheese sounded nom. I also had enough Greek honey yogurt and tons of fruit and juice to make my own colourful healthy shake. It mainly consists of yogurt, a banana, frozen dragonfruit, and orange juice.

It might be a rainy day, but that doesn’t mean I can conjure the taste of summer to add some colour on what would otherwise be a quiet gray afternoon.