Mandatory Morty Post

Mandatory Morty Post

Spoiled Boi

I’ve been meaning to take more cat photos with the new DSLR, but it’s kinda hard to practice on targets that mostly like to move with Morty being one of said targets. I’ve been trying for a couple days to get good kitty shots of him or Stewie, and today I finally got one good shot in using manual exposure. I caught Morty chillin’ atop a blanket he regularly uses as a kitty tent. It was cold and rainy today, and despite being Scottish he just wasn’t wanting to go out in the rain today (he doesn’t mind playing out in the rain, but it was to cold and windy for him to handle). On cold days like these he becomes a couch potato. He only got up when he detected that the steak was ready for human dinner, and he haaaaad to beg for some (as is tradition).

That cat has eyes that can pierce your soul.