I’m too antisocial to join a social network

I’m too antisocial to join a social network

Maybe I’m old fashioned but regular email, forums and blogging are good enough for me. Hell I never even thought I would be blogging or vlogging when I was younger. Then eventually I found reasons to do both. However I’m not really a spacebook/myface/tehgoogleplus person. I have no reason/desire to use social networking sites. For one I’m a privacy nut, for another I know that workplaces search sites like facebook to find out about their workers (they try to find me all the time). I have nothing to hide about myself (otherwise I wouldn’t even have a blog), I just think my online life should be like my real life. Personal. I mean it’s not like I go about the real world advertising that I exist online.

The reason for this rant is because of something that’s been coming up a lot lately at work. Random strangers asking if I have a facebook, today especially. There’s this one girl that I see shopping from time to time over the last few years while I’m working or out and about on my day off. She wanted to know if I had a facebook and I told her the truth. Then she wanted to know if I had an email address. Who doesn’t these days? But I don’t go about giving it out to just anyone, hell there are people who I’ve known for several years that don’t have my email. There’s no reason for it, especially if you’re local. It also seems like every other day there is a co worker or a stranger asking someone (including me) if you exist online. I can understand this if it’s a close friend or a family member. But if I see you every single day or every other day why should we discuss things online? I rate this among people who would rather text each other side by side than actually carry on a conversation.

That brings me to another point. As much as I like the online world I believe that places like facebook and even youtube cause social laziness. I guess for some it’s easier to break the ice that way, but often it seems to come off as creepy. Or maybe that’s just me.