Saturday Night Open Thread

Saturday Night Open Thread

In tonight’s installment of things I did that no one is going to give a shit about: I made more progress in NieR Replicant! I figured I haven’t played it in awhile and popped in for a visit, did a couple sidequests and advanced the plot slightly. I just wanted a small fix of it tonight, cut loose a little after another work week.

Meanwhile, in the land of yesterday: I pieced together my animations and stills on the video project! I ran into a bit of a “problem” of sorts, fortunately it’s nothing a bit little animation and twisted imaginations can fix. I’ve decided to add an animated intro and outro to this particular video. I already have the intro fleshed out for the most part, and was going over the end with my video partner. I have two different ideas, and wrote two different ending scripts side by side (this is where the 4K monitor comes in handy). Oh well… I guess this means the blog will have to put up with more questionable imagery, but that’ll have to wait a day or two though. 😛 It’s my weekend, and I have other plans.

Open Thread!