It’s Saturday… I’m Crashin’

It’s Saturday… I’m Crashin’

I was feeling like a bit of platforming tonight, and decided to tackle the Dark Souls of platformers as some of my co-workers call it. I never played the original PS1 release of the first Crash (my first Crash game was the second), and while I’ve died a metric shit ton of times I can at least say I made it further than one of my co-workers (he couldn’t get past level 1). The first Crash Bandicoot game is basically an elaborate version of Simon Says that becomes more and more sadistic as you progress. It’s definitely a game that I have to take breaks from, just so I can have the patience to move forward a few levels.

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Melon Seed
May 22, 2022 5:56 am

Grew up on those games myself, mostly had PlayStation consoles at home. Played the first Crash with my cousins, and I remember them getting so frustrated with the levels before Papu Papu, when you had to platform up with those bastard tribesmen holding shields. 😂😂