Everybody Wants To Be a Cat

Everybody Wants To Be a Cat

I made some time to play Stray! Or as other people have been calling it: The Cat Game. Since I’m playing on PC I have the abillity to make my own “cat-sona”. The game runs pretty well at 4K on my system, but every once in awhile I experience some stuttering (thanks Unreal Engine). This seems to be happening to everyone on PC, while on Playstation it doesn’t have this issue. Given the choice though I have to have my mods, and like I said prior, it doesn’t happen enough for me to want to rage quit. In fact, I really love how unique this game is.

Quite a few people I know at work have been playing it on Playstation, and a couple friends of mine were telling me about how their cat kept trying to paw at the screen while they were playing. I have the game ready to go on the living room PC! I just need to play it out there on a day when I have a captive kitty audience, they were all doing cat things outside today while I was inside doing cat things. I’ve been having a fun time being catatonic today! 😛