It’s looking like the weather will be wet and stormy this weekend. I’m already contemplating the after work PJ’s tomorrow! I’m thinking about trying a couple more things from my Skyrim cookbook over the weekend. There’s a recipe for spiced milk with honey, and it sounds like it could be a good drink on its own, or a nice addition to chai. I might even try to make the Honey Pudding, or if I’m up for it the Sunlight Soufflé! Minus the entire cup of fucking nutmeg!

My after SFM treat tonight was more Commander Keen. I swear, this game is the Dark Souls of its platforming era. It starts off easy and then the level design really starts to show itself, and then it becomes fun, then a pain, and after a break more fun again. It’s a viscous cycle. I might consider playing one of the other hundreds of games in the ol collection instead. We’ll see what the nostalgia meter says.