Tales From Behind The Blog

My search for the perfect template marches forward. I spent most of today venturing through WordPress.org and the four corners of the internet to find a template that doesn’t completely piss me off. When searching I get bombarded with e-commerce, portfolio, business, and anything NOT A BLOG. The current one would be fine if I could get the YouTube links to display properly on smaller devices, but no matter what settings I play with it’s never the proper aspect ratio. Of course, most of the templates I’ve been looking at don’t display YouTube videos on the front page. Why not? Another irritating trend I’m seeing is AI being built into some of the themes… Jesus Butt Fucking Christ, I don’t want AI in my theme suggesting to me how to write a post!

There are still multiple search terms I haven’t tried yet, but I’m getting tired of just searching for “Blog Theme” and having it also pull up business templates. It would be ideal if they added an option to uncheck options like e-commerce and the others just so I can find something that doesn’t make me look like a business corporation. This is a personal blog that shares videos… how is that so hard to accommodate for?

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