Early Morning Open Thread

Early Morning Open Thread

Got a full day of work in (and did surprisingly well considering I woke up 15 minutes before having to actually be there). Aside from that I played around a bit in SFM with human models. Now I understand how to animate their limbs and faces (if they have them). Speaking of SFM, I talked with a person via PM at SPUF. We were both puzzled as to why certain models were transparent. It actually has something to do with any phong string in the vmt data. So I got out VTF Edit and went to town getting rid of the phong strings (while keeping backups of course).

So now I can use a smaller core (in case anything human sized needs to pick my character up in anything) for my videos if need be. I’m also going to look into finding some way to get Blender to do motion capture with my Kinect.

Of course compared to Yutram’s character, mine looks almost microscopic!