My thoughts on dishonored.

My thoughts on dishonored.

I decided to crack into some gaming tonight (being my day off and having that lazy itch) and what better than to play a few of my new Christmas presents. One of them being Dishonored, thanks to one of my good friends. 🙂

Upon starting the game I already knew there was going to be some trouble. I get annoyed whenever I see a “When this symbol appears it means it’s saving your game data. Do not shut the computer off at this time” screen. Why do they even leave it in on these games? It seems like a rather retarded thing to do doesn’t it? “ZOMG a purdee symbull! I mus shut off da computeer b4 it brakes mah sheet!”.

But anyways, I finally get to the menu screen and get ready to customize things. Such as screen resolution and other oddball things. I was quite disappointed by the lack of visual options. Everything seemed rather basic and dumbed down. I mean, it’s pretty bad when games like BioShock and Duke Nukem Forever give you more visual options. Hell even Half Life 2 and Portal are far more versatile in graphics, and by today’s computing standards they are both older than dirt. I mean come on… Dishonored was released back in October of this year. 🙁

The gameplay however was rather nice and easy to grasp. I like the idea of carrying a sword in one hand and a pistol in the other. Plus it’s fun flanking assholes minus licking the sword clean. 😆

The story is an interesting one too. You’re framed for the murder of the empress and the abduction of her daughter. You end up escaping and causing the people who framed you some epic trouble.

So overall it is a fun game, but if you do get it at least wait for a sale.