>Expect MORE vault wipes!

>Expect MORE vault wipes!

Here’s another way people have managed to get lazy.


ZOMG a vault wipe I iz scareded!!!!!!!

Why do people get so worked up over vault wipes? This is just a small example, but over the years some people seem to shudder and groan when the words “vault wipe” get thrown around. They claim to love the game yet groan at playing it over and over again. Hell I was thinking if Cyan ever hit a dry spot again they could just go “vault wipe!” and have everyone start fresh again. “Gee Randy we won’t be having any new content for at least 3 days. Lets do a vault wipe so we can keep them busy!!!!” Laughing

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Melon Seed
September 11, 2008 3:52 pm

rolls eyes .. is there ANYTHING left that the faithful haven’t found to hash to death and fret about?? O_oI personally think it’s an outstanding idea .. given the average players somewhat OCD nature .. in .. oh .. say .. 2 hours-ish .. they will have it ALL re-completed anyway .. marker hunts and all .. I would go so far as to suggest perhaps a weekly vault wipe .. just to keep ’em busy. ;):D .. Hiya .. /waves

Melon Seed
September 11, 2008 11:59 pm

Lets just say I have plenty of time to spare.

Melon Seed
September 12, 2008 12:01 am

Vault wipes are the REAL reason why we can’t have nice things. By the time you get all your items and your ages are solved, BWAMMO.

Neeah The Redneck
Melon Seed
September 12, 2008 12:04 am

I suppose the next thing you’re going to say is the average Uru player has nothing better to do than sit in front of the keyboard solving puzzles all day like we have nothing better to do with our lives.

GuildMaster Grand Poobah Divine Saint Overlord Tomala
Melon Seed
September 12, 2008 12:07 am

It’s more than that community. There is also finding all the people who differ from you, and making sure you change their opinion ASAP! That and fighting the war on OOC.It makes me happy to see people like you finding a use for your time.

Melon Seed
September 12, 2008 12:19 am

The only problem I have with vault wipes is getting the lid unscrewed from that damn little jar, then trying to peel those thin li’l suckers apart. It’s not easy in this suit.- Barney the Dinosaur

Neeah The Redneck
Melon Seed
September 12, 2008 12:23 am

Rather than do a whole wipe, why not just use preparation H?