Google fucks up royally.

Google fucks up royally.

There was epic rage that traveled across America when people went to their favorite search engine, only to find no Easter bunny or eggs. Rather it was a Google Doodle of Caesar Chavez! Oh teh h0rr0rz!!!!

Today, Google chose to honor legendary labor leader Cesar Chavez with one of their Google Doodles – the temporary homepage logos used to commemorate certain days — because it’s his birthday.

This caused an epic uproar, even a boycotting of google (good luck with that) and people switching to Bing who had some nice Easter eggs. Oh, it gets better! Fox Faux News picked up on the story but got kept bringing up the wrong Chavez. I guess brown people look all the same to these people…

Happy Easter! From the country that takes Easter and Christianity so seriously that they make people work on the sabbath day. Seriously if you’re going to impose your beliefs, impose your weekends too, also.