>I (selectively) miss Uru

I thought I could put on a brave face, but truth is I (selectively) miss Uru and really wish it was online right now. It’s super depressing knowing there is no way and I mean NO WAY to get to the cavern once again. MO:RE was our only hope and now that’s put off until who knows when. No going to ages with friends, no city marker runs, no neighborhood dance offs. It would be great to get to the (correct) Uru again, I (selectively) miss it so much. 🙁

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Melon Seed
October 29, 2008 6:40 pm

It’s hard, knowing there is (alomost) no solution to your (non) problems.I hope one day Cyan saves us all from this (near) crisis.

slave #13
Melon Seed
October 29, 2008 7:59 pm

me too Boss.

Melon Seed
October 30, 2008 7:27 pm

I miss it too. I liked the way we were able to hang around friends and do stuff and whatever, and other times it was fund to just waste time. Hopefully the economy will improve enough for Cyan’s other work to pick up so they can get MORE ready for us.In the meantime, I may just start tinkering around with Age Building cause it sounds interesting. I’m impressed with some of the user ages available through the ULM manager.

Melon Seed
November 13, 2008 3:15 pm

It’s nice to see you moved your forums as well, leaves things interesting.It’s even more interesting that my “DicK”ing around has caused you to select members for your special elusive club!Guess I got what I wanted anyway, you’re all too scared of who’s signing up to welcome anyone else./me Feeling the power there!Still, I see you still have a god complex and need knocking on your butt to rectify itPeople can be cruel, but hey as long as it’s you guys doing it, it’s not a problem huh?Anyway nice to see ya, must dash got better things to do really… Read more »

Melon Seed
November 13, 2008 6:29 pm

Ha! Bitter much? Since you have everything figured out now, you should know that anything you do is futile.It’s nice to see you still feel the need to bang your head against the wall.

GuildMaster Grand Poobah Shogun Comrade Divine Saint Overlord Tomala
Melon Seed
November 13, 2008 9:57 pm

/yawn…Btw thanks for giving us a new topic in the steam room. We’re all laughing at you at your expense. 😉

Melon Seed
November 14, 2008 6:28 pm

Wow, i’m so glad to see y’all found sometin new to bitch ’bout. fuck ya’ll uru nerds; get a fuckin life bitches

Melon Seed
November 14, 2008 6:41 pm

Wow, you just can’t let anything go can you? This isn’t healthy behavior dude. Get some help.

GuildMaster Grand Poobah Shogun Comrade Divine Saint Overlord Tomala
Melon Seed
November 14, 2008 6:52 pm

You’re right. He can’t let it go. Not as long as he has the vaseline and cheetos handy. Which is a pretty unhealthy combo IMO. He really does need help.

Darney the D-D-Dinosaur
Melon Seed
November 14, 2008 9:20 pm

The question is, Dork? Or Dick? Don’t duck it, dude. Do dorks dick dudes who dumb down dere diddle? Or do dicks dork dem who don’t do dere doodie?Duh.

Melon Seed
November 15, 2008 6:41 pm


Melon Seed
November 17, 2008 11:34 am

lol it’s like a preschool round here, seriously you are the ones that have had pay for your own stupidity here, not me.Registration only with contact first?! Doesn’t affect me at all!The only way you can seem to attempt to retaliate to me is with insults, and attempting to cut access. It’s quite pathetic really.Do i really need help?? don’t really think so, I have a sick sense of humor, and me laughing at your actions, after what past transgressions have occured with you lot involved, it is normal belive me :)!

Melon Seed
November 17, 2008 8:26 pm

Ha! The biggest joke is that you honestly believe your actions bother us.We don’t care what you do. Your just making a bigger and bigger ass of yourself every time you post here.I’m worried that your delusional cause for some reason you think we take anything you write personal.TO me especially your a lot of hot air. You think that hacking comments on a blog is impressive somehow? 12 year old kids do that. Now who is being immature.But, keep it up, at least you give us a laugh.Your laughing, we’re laughing….Are you sure we aren’t friends?

Melon Seed
November 17, 2008 8:48 pm

The only way you can seem to attempt to retaliate to me is with insults, and attempting to cut access. Not the only way. There are the hidden videos, the audio recordings, the DNA tests, the 19 pairs of sticky socks, the jar of scabs, the testimony of Silvia (you told me he was a girl, right); the blood-stained guitar string, the arrest warrant, the paternity suit, the hard drive, the other hard drive, the chew marks on the dog collar, the 14 more pairs of sticky socks, the cigarette burns on the turtle, the strange cries of pain from… Read more »

GuildMaster Grand Poobah Shogun Comrade Divine Saint Overlord Tomala
Melon Seed
November 17, 2008 8:49 pm

I’ll bet he wishes he had the vocabulary of a preschooler.

Melon Seed
November 17, 2008 8:52 pm

P.S. Bangers n’ mash isn’t to play with. For chrissakes, at least wash your hands. Don’t you have any self respect?Love,DaddY

Melon Seed
November 19, 2008 4:40 pm

I see you’re making fun of my parentage in there, looks good stuff to be honest, you’re laughing at my expense? Fair dues.There is no one behind me either, no mass stories of “look what the slackers did to me”; I’m doing this on my own because I just don’t like you lotI still laugh when I read your posts…The posturing, the insults, and the lack of self respect you guys have … it’s great, most people have intelligence to stop, but really you all need a medal for the continuing crap your all spewing out.Your insults are still so… Read more »

Melon Seed
November 19, 2008 7:29 pm

I’m so confident your right about me, I have no doubts.Wonderful little article. My eyes almost glazed over, but then I realized I was at the end of it.This made me feel very self satisfied.Perhaps the teacher should also learn the lesson. You insist you know who we are and what we are all about, and the further we push you the further you push back.Are you really certain we are horrid people? I bet you have no doubts. 😉

Melon Seed
November 19, 2008 11:32 pm

So you make us out to be the bad folks, yet the way you approach it is by the same reasons you give for hating Slackers? It’s a funny thing, hypocrisy.

Melon Seed
November 20, 2008 12:33 am

Dammit, DorK, bad enough you broke your mother’s heart and made a mockery of DorKs everywhere. But now your dickless diddling on this blog is… well, let’s just say it… dumb. Is it us, your mums n’ I? Did we make some dastardly error when you were but a wee, dinKy DorK? Or is it as your reformatory counselor said, “Forget it, Mr. D.; that’s one DorK who won’t stop dicKing around.” Right, well, that’s it then. You’re on your own, and much luck to you. I should’ve kicked you out when your sister DitsY caught you putting condoms over… Read more »

Melon Seed
November 23, 2008 12:42 pm

Thank you for providing us so light-hearted entertainment at your expense, Dork Dude!!! It really has been fun reading all of these responses- Wheeeee!!!No need to take yourself too seriously here because we certainly don’t- Hehehehehe!!I hope you are having a nice weekend with the pre-schoolers and your crusty sweatsocks that can stand up by themselves now!!!!

Melon Seed
November 24, 2008 10:45 am

I know I don’t often say much .. just my way of trying to stay outta various crosshairs .. but good .. God .. when do some of you people stop?? And I’m NOT meaning those from Slackers here!!There is NOTHING wrong with the way those that call themselves “Slackers” conduct themselves .. and it’s a bloody shame that people don’t “get” them .. as in understand them.These are genuinely nice .. decent .. caring people. The one thing that they do that makes other nuts is that they DON’T roll over and play dead as all “nice” people are… Read more »