Because they’re not rich enough yet.

All I have to say is $75 for a fucking 2.5 GB USB drive from the early 00’s?!?!?!?!

These two items jumped right out at me. $79 for a 2.5 gb portable hard drive when I can get 8 gb USB thumb drives for $12?!? And the “320 glorious gigabytes” cracks me up.

Of course this has been a common thing for awhile. Even where I work (you could call it a Wal-Mart clone) there is stale technology being sold. The best GPU that we sell only has 512 mb of RAM, and the wireless Logitech mice cost more than ordering from somewhere online. Stuff like this is just depressing. I remember back in the 90’s you could walk in and get whatever you wanted. RAM, GPU, CPU, Mobo etc for new top of the line technology with good sales. Now it seems what was left over from that period has been left to rot on the shelves. Even though they know that you can get better deals online they could give a flying fuck. Not everyone around here has an internet connection, so why not vacuum up as much funds as possible?

For fucks sake I was looking at their dusty PC games section and found The Orange Box is still being sold for $25, and on Steam you can get it for $19.99 if you don’t want to wait for a sale. When I was growing up I bought games all the time. Then when the consoles came along I noticed PC games were getting harder and harder to find. If I was lucky enough to find a title it was usually overpriced. Orange Box was my last retail purchase to be made. Everything else has been done digitally. I tend to feel bad about spending so much online, but then I remember that I don’t really purchase much within town anymore. Mostly because they never carry anything that I want and don’t even pay me enough to consider it.

At work right now we have an assload of widesscreen TV’s that are having a hard time being sold. Why? No one can afford them even with the special sales. Not even employees with special discounts can afford to purchase them. They’ve even asked us to buy some going “Come on! Upgrade your TV!” Well, upgrade my paycheck and we’ll talk. As it is I only watch TV for a select few things, and even then if I were to give up on TV completely I could find the shows I like online.