So I guess I’ll be going extreme.

So I guess I’ll be going extreme.

After taking out my video card I got rid of the black screen issue. I’ll be doing an RMA on the card so I can get a new one (hopefully one with some nice shiny hynix). I still have an issue at startup though where it locks up and makes a high pitched scream through my speakers. Pressing reset doesn’t work either when this happens. I’m thinking the motherboard might have some issues with it. One of the things it likes to do when it restarts is verify the RAID over and over again. Which is strange because the stuff I have isn’t on the operating system. It’s weird.

Since I have my tax rebate though I’m thinking about just upgrading to a hex-core processor and an extreme series motherboard. I mean I already have the R9 290. I might as well go complete balls to the wall insane. Well, maybe not insane. If I was insane I’d go with the newly released R9 295X2 which is basically 2 cards in one with a slightly higher clock speed. I’m happy with just the 4 gigs… For now. 😛

On another note I got another present from my evil friend Yutram (I’m only responsible for 50% of the evil). Hentai Octodad Dadliest. That game is much more difficult than I thought it would be. Can’t wait to check out what people created for it in workshop. 😛