>And when he stood up the couch cushions were gone.


You know… The reason why tech support asks these questions is because like DG said, there are people who forget to plug in the equipment properly. Apparently Kat Murray Rat has no clue of how tech support works, because he chewed Adam’s ass out for asking point blank if the speakers were plugged in.

Murray/Kat Rat:

Yes they were rude and if I peruse their past posts most of them are very much so. Just to clarify your attempt to set me straight, I am in real life a qualified digital electronics engineer, working for a major airline, so no one has to tell me about checking plugs, nor do they have to tell ural the same. If you read my past remarks you will see that I clearly stated that plugs were not an issue. Next time I will not send anyone in here to solve issues, that is a promise.
For me the matter is closed, this forum has had to tolorate enough stupidity.

The only person that I saw being a total asshole was the ratfuck enthusiast that is Murray Kat Rat. Now I’m sure some people will see me write that and think I’m over the line picking on him as he is considered by many to be a respectable community member. A respectable community member would never have sent the kind of emails that I happen to have on hand among other interesting items… And I think if this were ever challenged, this blog would be a perfect place to share with his friends and enemies. It would make a great sequel to “Profiles in asshattary”.


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Melon Seed
October 27, 2010 3:39 pm

Soo.. he's an ex-stalker, self-proclaimed ex-actor and he works for a mayor airline? Remind me not to fly again

Melon Seed
October 28, 2010 8:04 pm

Ok Murray, I know you are reading this blog, so could you please answer me this: According to this thread on your own forum:http://uruforever.com/forum/index.php?/topic/2002-win-7-sound-issues/Ural's sound issues were resolved over a month ago. So why did you make that thread on MOUL forum? Smells of trolling to me

Melon Seed
October 29, 2010 4:18 pm

After a bit of PM'ing back and forth with Sophia and Murray, both I and Adam has received apologies, and I have also apologized for some things I said. I consider the matter closed for my part