A rude awakening

A rude awakening

I was woken up a bit earlier than usual this morning by my computer. I heard it restart itself twice within about 10 seconds, which was enough to awaken me from my food and explosive induced coma. Rather than shut it off and go back to sleep I was naturally curious. So I turned the computer back on, only to find my gaming keyboard wouldn’t respond, shut it off again and turned it on, this time I got a SMART fail on my SSD. Restarted again… Almost made it to Windows and got a BSOD followed by the system restarting itself… After I facepalmed I tried going into Windows again but was greeted with a message telling me that I would need to run the repair disc.

When I got home from work I ran a couple Diagnostics from the CentOS side. I couldn’t even access the SSD, but I could see it no problem. I had Dad plug it into his system, the only thing that it could read was the system reserve partition. After a few experiments we managed to recover it, but the MBR was FUBAR’d while the drive’s health status was in good working order. I’m currently on a fresh Windows 7 install (waiting for the updates to finish installing) and so far everything seems to be stable. I’m starting to think my power supply might be getting on in its old age. I’ll run some more diagnostics tomorrow after I get everything in order and imaged to another drive, just in case the OS goes tits up again. I just need to install my graphics drivers and my usual softwares and I’ll be in business again. I’m writing this from the desktop right now, so far everything is stable.

This wasn’t how I planned to spend the second part of my split weekend, but I got a good two year run on that install of Win 7 at least. Guess it was time for a late spring cleaning?

One thing I’ll mention before I forget it, repairing the MBR didn’t let me get back into Windows. However it did give me access to my files again. Weird thing though, it found a couple of corrupted files that pointed back to a Hispanic version of the US.gov website. Which for whatever reason is left in Internet Exploder for people who run the Spanish version of Windows. O_o