Like one of my Japanese animes

Like one of my Japanese animes

Over the last few days I’ve really been enjoying GITS: First Assault, although it has been pretty buggy with the last patch. Hit detection has been poor to say the least. If I can run into an enemy and gun my enemy in the chest and completely miss I think there MIGHT be something wrong with the game.

So far my favorite modes are TDM and Capture The Flag (can’t remember what they call their version), Demolition is fun even though I still suck at it. But so far quite a few of the players I’ve run into have been nice people who enjoy the anime this FPS is based on. They added a new survival gamemode, but I haven’t been able to play it yet. It’s restricted to people who are level 7 and up. I just made it to that status today. I’ll look into it another time, possibly when the hit detection doesn’t suck.