Since I’ve mostly been doing technical experiments with hardware lately I decided to take a break and do some gaming of the Portal Variety. I even went back to the original game and got a couple of achievements. All I could think about while beating a couple of the advanced chambers was how Valve really needs to get back into gaming software. I miss being stoked for their games. Thankfully Portal Stories and Time Machine are nice alternatives. Tag? I still haven’t figured out what I think about it yet.
Some games are like that. Not sure if I’ll love them or hate them, and sometimes they take revisiting. Take Dead Island for example, I used to be annoyed with it when I first played with it a bit a couple years ago. But this time around I cracked it open again and actually had a good time. Maybe it was from the knowledge I learned playing Skyrim, but I seemed to have a better time going on quests and leveling up than my previous attempt. Might have to go back and play through it some more soon. I think one of the turn offs the last time I played it was the odd placements for some buttons, the kind that tell you this was made for a console, even the Borderlands games have this feeling for me. But I have a better understanding for it now so hopefully it’ll continue to be fun. 😀