Quick day off summary.
Woke up Drank 4 pots of tea (3 PG tips with cream and sugar and 1 raspberry earl gray) Did every piece of laundry in …
Woke up Drank 4 pots of tea (3 PG tips with cream and sugar and 1 raspberry earl gray) Did every piece of laundry in …
Cunningham wants to revoke the parts of current state labor law that say kids under age 14 can’t work and kids age 14 and 15 …
Woke up today and put my clothes on. Nothing special, blue jeans and a red and black sweater that used to be my grandmothers (ok ok… the sweater is special). Turns out everyone else in the house is wearing red shirts too! Hopefully no one will die. Still funny because this wasn’t even planned.
On the topic of clothes I’ve been mulling over something for awhile. Everyday when I’m
Judging by the amount of rainstorm I’m hearing right now my activities will be indoor based. Just as well… I should probably focus on getting …
Two days in a row this week and I don’t have much planned. I’ll make it up as I go.
I’ll be toying with other pictures, I mostly wanted to play with Photoshop CS5 tonight to get a feel of it.
Medicine seems to be doing the trick. I’ve gotten a lot of my energy back, though it still wasn’t enough today at work. We were …