Back to my irregularly scheduled blogging

Back to my irregularly scheduled blogging

Well, I’ve done my parts both at work and designing the website. Looks like I might be doing an overhaul already, on Thursday I’ll know for sure. The Doc wants lots and lots of buttons and beach scenery, one way or another he’ll be getting those. 😀

Freight was extremely small even for a Tuesday. It was all in an extremely small shopping cart, and half of it was stuff we can’t release until next month (movies) and the other half was power cables that we already have plenty of, so I mostly worked the backstock. Which worked out nicely since it appears no one else is really working anything to the shelf it seems. I don’t want to go into detail, but we have ten employees. Three of them are guys who don’t know when to stop screwing off, one that is extremely unaware of her surroundings (and she’s kinda pervy towards one of the managers), one that doesn’t know when to stop talking and get the job done, and a manager that is too busy with his head between a couple of Russian funbags to communicate things properly with the rest of the staff. So it’s no wonder things look like shite when I arrive in the morning lately. Ugh…