>Best joke I’ve heard all day.

>Best joke I’ve heard all day.

http://www.uruobsession.com/forum/index … ntry598299

Jamey wrote:
Who are you people?

What happened to our community that was once so kind to everyone and did not judge anyone or anything at first glance, or make assumptions about things or people? Our community who was so kind to everyone and treated each other like a loving family?

I pray this will be behind us all, once URU returns.

If it does not, I will pray for the future of our community…

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Melon Seed
June 14, 2009 1:40 pm

I lol'd a good long time over that .. never ceases to amaze me how far up their ass some people have their heads shoved in this "community". O_o Though there ARE good people in the community .. more before the "fall" certainly .. for the most part it's been run by those who enjoy abusing others to be noticed as "pillars" in/of the community.Shooting their mouths off .. bullying on forums .. it's just more noticeable these days because they're mostly all that's left.A true shame really .. because most of the ones who really added something beautiful to… Read more »

Melon Seed
June 17, 2009 12:50 am

Jamey wrote:"Who are you people?"Answer:"Monsters, Jim! Monsters from the id!"