BIC’s new trick! Ballpoint pens for da ladies. No strings attached!

BIC’s new trick! Ballpoint pens for da ladies. No strings attached!

Ladies, are you tired of being oppressed your current writing stencils? Well silence all the bitching! For there is a product for us all.  ‘BIC for Her’ Ballpoint Pens

The “reviews” for this have been hilarious. But for me this one takes the cake.

I feel I must complain in the strongest terms about the sexism of this item. Where are the “For Him” pens? How can I embrace my masculinity, when there is no pen for me? Am I destined to just watch all of the women around me falling into a sparkly dream of ponies, crochet and butterflies, while I pace angrily here, unable to access the manly world of construction vehicles, barbeques, motor racing and science? I can barely adjust my crotch, I am so angry.

Make pens For Him. Strong pens. Manly pens. Pens that dress on the right. Pens with good grips for masculine hands. MANPENS!

Well, there’s always 🙂

I do hope they have some in the future that come with a string attached. I always like pulling them out as fast as possible. That and I’m always losing mine.