If only this happened on my server.

One of the places I like to read is Fat, Ugly or Slutty. A blog that specializes in pointing out stupid things guys do to girl gamers. Most of the stuff that’s posted over there is from the XBox community, but today I saw this and had to laugh about it.

I would have had a blast if I was playing with a group of guys like that on my server… oh god, where to begin? Especially with stuff like this at my disposal?

Supertanks, Rochelle Spitters, Smoker Bill’s that’ll strangle you with their dicks. How many ways could I make them rage? 😀

Spice up Steam a bit.

Ever since the 2010 update I’ve been pretty much running Vanilla. But after seeing a Steam friend’s screenshots I decided to customize a bit. After all I have a large collection of Win 7 and XP themes. So why not? Give people options I say!


Steam thread

There were a couple I couldn’t get working, and some of them work but have the “BIG PICTURE MODE” button missing, but overall a refreshing change.

Goodbye Trellian, hello Dreamweaver

Just got Dreamweaver tonight. For those that don’t know Adobe Dreamweaver is used for building websites, html editing and can be used to create many webscripts (php, java etc). I used Trellian to change the slackers site but felt it was lacking somehow. I’ll be experimenting in Dreamweaver CS5 to see what I can come up with. Maybe even find a template for inspiration/to fuck with.