Made it through another level of the Black Labyrinth! Not only is there a lot of fighting, there is also some puzzle solving… WITH A …
Made it through another level of the Black Labyrinth! Not only is there a lot of fighting, there is also some puzzle solving… WITH A …
Tonight was fun. I did some SFM camera work, a couple of us recorded voice lines, and then I played a bit of old school …
This year has been a good one for supporting Indie Developers. I’ve purchased Whisker Squadron Survivor, Gal Guardians, Kena: Bridge of Spirits, Lost Ember, Ultra …
I ascended the tower on the dark coast of the AMID EVIL Black Labyrinth DLC. I always marvel at the thought put into the level …
While my RGB furnace was cranking out sweet animated nightmare fuel, I was chilling with a bit of Freedom Planet 2 on my Steam Deck! …
Made it to 80% yesterday! Rescued a friend, found another chest and collected some more keys. I would have played a little more tonight, but …
How is Fortnite even still around when this gem exists?
Did a little more exploring in Control. Mostly collecting documents and winning battles. It was a nice getaway after spending the evening working on some …