>First post of the new year

I’ve been meaning to get around to this, but you know… Not much to write about. Things are going alright with me, etc.

New years eve was great, I didn’t have to work at all. And even better I didn’t have to be in until 4:00 the next day! There was much booze and snackage to go around. My new years resolution is the same one I do every year, don’t make one.

I decided to pull out the ol bamboo steamer tonight for an experiment. Grape leaves with a spicy rice stuffing. That should go nicely with my tension tamer tea. I like drinking that when I’m not feeling right.

We had a little surprise this evening. The hot water valve for the washer decided to spurt out. Luckily it was caught before a flood could happen. It was just a largeish puddle by the time I got down there to take the stuff out.

>Salsa and Explosions!

Today I didn’t really feel like doing much, other than playing in the kitchen. Made a nice omelet with spinach, onion, turkey bacon and colby jack cheese. Then some mango peach salsa and a regular fresh salsa. I’m a fiend for salsa and wanted to try making a couple of recipes from a cookbook. Turned out pretty nice!

Other than that it was a real calm day. Too calm in fact. So I decided to find more evil games to play so I can talk about how evil they are and why my community shouldn’t play them. For example, the HL2 beta. Yes… After a long search I came passed files from HL2 Source Engine 2 Build 4. And man… The stuff they left out was interesting, especially the jetski and the headcrab mommy. I’ll post pictures another time. But yeah, so many fun things like old dialogue and npc’s were fun to watch and listen to. These adventures may keep me busy for quite sometime, and who knows? I might even get clues as to what might pop up in HL2E3.